基礎醫學英語=Basic Medical English
- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
劉麗娟,辛銅川 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787811354638
- 出版日期:2010-1-1
This book, developed from teaching experience, has several features that distinguish it from other textbooks in that a comprehensive introduction to the formation of medical terminology, and various examples and supporting exercises that are practical and helpful, are provided for both the instructor and the student.
Chapter One introduces briefly the etiology of English language and that of medical English. Chapter Two and Three provide a foundation for the formation of medical terminology. Chapter Four through fifteen present special medical terms related to body systems. Each chapter begins with a short brief passage, acting as a platform for the entry of a certain body system, mainly the introduction to the structure and function of this body system.
Chapter One A Brief Introduction to Medical Terminology
Chapter Two Formation of Medical Terminology (I)
Chapter Three Formation of Medical Terminology (II)
Chapter Four Pronunciation and Plural Forms of Medical Terms
Chapter Five Human Body Structure
Chapter Six The Integumentary System
Chapter Seven The Museuloskeletal System
Chapter Eight The Cardiovascular System
Chapter Nine The Respiratory System
Chapter Ten The Digestive System
Chapter Eleven The Nervous System
Chapter Twelve The Urinaary and Male Reproductive System
Chapter Thirteen The Female Reproductive System and Obstetrics
Chapter Fourteen The Endocrine System
Chapter Fifteen The Blood and Lymphatic System
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劍橋醫學英語 | (英)格倫.. | 人民郵電出版社 | ¥58.00¥40.60 |
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