This book selects a number of breakthroughs and examples in the development of new energy technology,biotechnology, novel materials and drugs, environmental technology, and other fields. A few historic events and figures designated by the American Chemical Society as "Chemical Landmarks" are adopted. Also featured in the book are a group of original papers and patent documents in the cutting-edge fields of chemistry and chemical industry. Stories about how the chemists and engineers vigorously explored and made great inventions are described in the book. Following the texts in each unit are notes, words with pronunciations and meanings, quiz including exercises and drills for reading comprehension and short compositions, and in-class discussion themes.This book also explains in detail how to comprehend and utilize papers and patent documents, and how to write and revise papers in practice.
The book contains a significant amount of technical terminology. Lists of common glossaries with concise explanations are provided in the end of the book. Basic laboratory tools are also illustrated graphically. Records of famous chemists and engineers with their lives and areas of expertise can be used as a reference. This book serves as a textbook in bilingual education in colleges for juniors and seniors, as well as graduate students, who are non-native speakers of English but majoring in chemistry, applied chemistry, chemical engineering, materials chemistry and related disciplines. The book is also an indispensable working resource for scientists, chemists,and engineers in chemical industry and academia. This book is printed in bicolor to improve readability.
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