- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
王波,談向萍 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787122108487
- 出版日期:2011-6-1
Unit 1 A Brief Introduce to Microelectronic Technology 1
1.1 History About Microelectronics 1
Text 1
Technical words and Phrases 2
Notes to the text 3
Exercises 3
1.2 Introduction To Some Courses 5
Text 5
Technical words and Phrases 6
Notes to the text 7
Exercises 7
1.3 Reading Materials 8
1.4 Unit Exercises 10
Unit 2 Semiconductor Device 18
2.1 Semiconductor Diode 18
Text 18
Technical words and Phrases 22
Notes to the text 23
Exercises 23
2.2 Transistors 24
Text 25
Technical words and phrases 27
Notes to the text 28
Exercises 28
2.3 Microwave and Photonic devices 30
Text 30
Technical words and Phrases 34
Notes to the text 35
Exercises 35
2.4 Reading Materials 37
2.5 Unit Exercises 39
Unit 3 Micro-electronic Technology 43
3.1 Crystal Growth 43
Text 43
Technical words and Phrases 44
Notes to the text 45
Exercises 45
3.2 Film Growth 46
Text 46
Technical words and Phrases 47
Exercises 48
3.3 Photolithography 48
Text 49
Technical words and Phrases 50
Exercises 50
3.4 Oxide Growth 51
Text 51
Technical words and Phrases 53
Exercises 53
3.5 Diffusion and Ion Implantation 54
Text 54
Technical words and Phrases 56
Notes to the text 57
Exercises 57
3.6 Etching 58
Text 58
Technical words and Phrases 60
Notes to the text 60
Exercises 61
3.7 Reading Material 61
3.8 Unit Exercises 64
Unit 4 Integrated Circuits 67
4.1 Introduction of Integrated Circuits 67
Text 67
Technical words and Phrases 71
Notes to the text 72
Exercises 72
4.2 Integrated circuit design and verification 74
Text 74
Technical words and Phrases 79
Notes to the text 80
Exercises 80
4.3 Introduction of Cadence Tools 81
Text 81
Technical words and Phrases 94
Notes to the text 95
Exercises 95
4.4 Reading Materials 96
4.5 Unit Exercises 99
Unit 5 Microelectronic Mechanical Systems (MEMS) 104
5.1 Introduction to MEMS 104
Text 104
Technical words and Phrases 106
Notes to the text 107
Exercises 107
5.2 Materials for MEMS 108
Text 108
Technical words and Phrases 111
Notes to the text 111
Exercises 111
5.3 Processes for Micromachining 113
Text 113
Technical words and Phrases 116
Notes to the text 116
Exercises 116
5.4 Reading Materials 118
5.5 Unit Exercises 119
Unit 6 Scientific and Technological Papers 123
6.1 Film Thickness Tester 123
Text 123
Technical words and Phrases 128
Notes to the text 129
Exercises 129
6.2 WL13A0G10 Test System Option Manual 130
Text 130
Technical words and Phrases 133
Notes to the text 133
Exercises 134
6.3 Reading Materials 134
6.4 Unit Exercises 137
Appendix Technical Vocabulary 141
Reference 151
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