Unit 1 Cybersecurity
Text A BioVault Locks Up Biometrics
Text B New Chip Brings Military Security to Commercial Processors [Abridged]
Unit 2 Science Mystery
Text A The Great Ketchup Mystery
Text B The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle
Unit 3 Biometrics
Text A How will Increasingly Sophisticated Biometric Technologies Affect You?
Text B Financial Institutions Evaluate Biometrics.
Unit 4 Psychology
Text A Gene plus Stress Equals Depression Debate
Text B Work: Kindness and Corporation
Unit 5 Energy
Text A Nuclear Fusion: Energy for the Future?
Text B Energy Independence and Climate Change: Linked But Separate
Unit 6 Ecology
Text A Extinction Crisis Looms in Oceania
Text B Bio-Invaders
Unit 7 Agriculture
Text A Optimistic Future for Agriculture Predicted
Text B Sustainable Agriculture: Perennial Plants Produce More; Landscape Diversity Creates Habitat for Pest Enemies
Unit 8 Arctic and Antarctic
Text A The Last Unexplored Place on Earth(Extracted)
Text B Arctic Land Grabs could cause Eco-Disaster
Unit 9 Endangered Species
Text A Willdife Conservation 2.0
Text B 10 Studies that Revealed the Great Global Amphibian Die-Off-and Some Possible Solutions
Unit 10 Genetic Engineering
Text A Evolution by Intelligent Design
Text B Building Better Humans
Unit 11 Disease and Treatment
Text A Mosquito and Cucumber Salad Anyone?
Text B Is Hypnosis Moving Closer to Mainstream Medicine?
Unit 12 Nudear Power
Text A Oil Is Out; Is Nuclear In?
Text B The Necessity of Nuclear Power
Unit 13 Material Science
Text A The Kilogram Isn't What It Used to Be--It's Lighter
Text B How to Build an Invisibility Cloak
Unit 14 Mars
Text A Terraforming Mars
Text B The Truth about Water on Mars: 5 New Findings
Unit 15 Space Travel
Text A Russia's DarkHorse Plan to Get to Mars
Text B Solar Sailing
Unit 16 Mind and Brain
Text A The Big Similarities and Quirky Differences between Our Left and Right Brains
Text B Is Patriotism a Subconscious Way for Humans to Avoid Disease.9
Keys to Exercises
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