- 所售圖書均為第三方提供

- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
賈柱立 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787561827963
- 出版日期:2008-9-1
本教材適用于高職高專和其他高等院校的學生,旨在使學生在了解英文寫作基礎知識的同時,通過模仿、套用模版進行練習和有針對性的習題訓練,使學生在潛移默化的實踐過程中獲得運用書面英語傳遞信息的能力。本書不僅可以作為英語寫作課程的教材,還可以成為讀者案頭必備的寫作參考書。本書從最基本的句子和語法結構開始,由淺入深地介紹各種寫作文體,涵蓋了英文寫作的基礎知識和應用文以及商務函電等文體的實例。本書闡述了各種文體的定義、用途、寫作要領、基本特點和注意事項,然后配以例文。為了方便讀者的實際寫作,在許多項模版后附上了常用的或相關的用語和例句。最后是針對本種文體設計的練習題。練習題的譯文和參考答案附于書后。 本書不僅可以作為英語寫作課程的教材,還可以成為讀者案頭必備的寫作參考書。
第1章 個人簡歷Resumes
1.1 個人簡歷概述Introduction of the Resume
1.2 簡歷的幾種常見形式Common Forms of the Resume
1.3 個人簡歷例文Samples of the Resume
1.4 參考例句Sample Sentences for Reference
1.5 其他有用詞匯Useful Terms
1.6 寫作實踐Writing Practice
第2章 求職信Application Letters
2.1 求職信概述Introduction of Application Letters
2.2 網上求職Hunting for a Job on the Internet
2.3 求職信例文Samples of Application Letters
2.4 求職信常用語Expressions of Application Letters
2.5 求職信參考用語Reference Expressions of Application Letters
2.6 寫作實踐Writing Practice
第3章 通知、通告、海報Announcement,Notice and Poster
3.1 通知Announcement
3.2 通告Notice
3.3 海報Poster
3.4 常用詞匯和語句Common Vocabulary and Sentences
3.5 寫作實踐Writing Practice
第4章 啟事、證明、借條和收據 Notice,Certificate/ldentification,Receipt for a Loan(IOU)and Receipt
4.1 啟事Notice
4.2 證明 Certificate/Identification
4.3 借條和收據Receipt for a Loan(I0U)and Receipt
4.4 寫作實踐Wri ring Practice
第5章 建議信、傳真、電子郵件Letters of Suggestion,F(xiàn)ax and E—mail
5.1 建議信Letters of Suggestion
5.2 傳真Fax
5.3 電子郵件E—mail
5.4 商務郵件用語Business E—mail Terms
5.5 寫作實踐Writing Practice
第6章 備忘錄、便條、請假條、請柬Memorandums,Notes,Written Request for Leave,Invitation Cards
6.1 備忘錄Memorandums
6.2 便條Notes
6.3 請假條Written Request for Leave
6.4 請柬Invitation Cards
6.5 寫作實踐Writing Practice
第7章 報告、會議記錄、紀要與活動安排Reports,Minutes of Meetings and Activity Schedules
7.1 報告Reports
7.2 會議記錄、紀要Minutes of Meetings
7.3 活動安排Activity Schedules
7.4 寫作實踐Writing Practice
第8章 商務信函——概述Business Correspondence--Introduction
8.1 商務信函概述 Introduction of Business Correspondence
8.2 商務信函寫作規(guī)則 Regulations of Business correspondence
8.3 商務信函應該注意的幾個問題Precautions of Business Correspondence
8.4 寫作實踐Writing Practice
第9章 商務信函——常用語言結構Business Correspondence--Common Structures
9.1 商務信函常用語言結構The Common Structures of Business Correspondence
9.2 商務信函常用開頭語、建立商務關系用語The Prologue,Useful Sentences of Establishing Business Relationship
9.3 寫作實踐Writing Practice
第10章 商務信函——詢盤Business Correspondence--Inquiry
10.1 詢盤函Correspondence of Inquiry
10.2 常用詞匯和語句Common Vocabulary and Sentences
10.3 寫作實踐Writing Practice
第11章 商務信函——報盤Business Correspondence--Offer
11.1 報盤函Correspondence 0f Offer
11.2 常用詞匯和語句Common Vocabulary and Sentences
11.3 寫作實踐Writing Practice
第12章 商務信函——還盤 Business CorrespondencemCounteroffer
12.1 還盤與接受Counteroffer and Acceptance
12.2 常用詞匯和語句Common Vocabulary and Sentences
12.3 寫作實踐Writing Practice
第13章 商務信函——建立商務關系Business Correspondence--Establishing Business Relationship
13.1 推銷產品函Letters of Promoting the Sale of Products
13.2 推銷產品函例文Samples of Letters of Promoting the Sale of Products
13.3 商務信函邀請與答復 Invitation and Reply of Business correspondence
13.4 商務信函邀請與答復例文Samples of Invitation and Reply of Business Correspondence
13.5 價格爭議用語Useful Sentences On Price
13.6 寫作實踐Writing Practice
第14章 商務信函——訂購與確認 Business Correspondence--Orders and Confirmation
14.1 訂購與確認Orders and Confirmation
14.2 訂購與確認例文Samples of Orders and Confirmation
14.3 銷售確認書樣本(一) Sample of Sales Confirmation(I)
14.4 銷售確認書樣本(二)Sample of Sales Confirmation(II)
14.5 訂購術語Terms of Orders
14.6 常用英語訂購用語Sentences for Orders
14.7 折扣的表達Expressions for Discount
14.8 確認的表達Expressions for Confirmation
14.9 寫作實踐Writing Practice
參考譯文與答案Reference Answers
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