1.the first snow
2.the humming-bird
3.we're just beginning
5.reading good books
6.i will greet this day with love in my heart
7.the house-cricket
8.on etiquette
9.try to remember the good things
10.an hour before sunrise
11.the flight of youth
12.slow down
13.just give it your best
14.i will laugh at the world
15.two horses
16.the importance of scientific experiments
17.hour in the sun
18.night in the open world
19.love your life
.20.accepting the command of the army
21.catch the star that will take you to your dreams
22.happy life at a tavern
23.the happy door
24.a little girl
25.born to win
26.choosing an occupation
27.the goodness of life
28.companionship of books
29.atutmn-the harvest season
30.don't give up
31.a curious decision
32.mirror, mirror--what do i see
33.a wet sunday in a country inn
34.april days
35.of beauty
36.an important aspect of college life
37.be happy
38.the dervish and the four robbers
39.gettysburg address
40.love without measure
41, the angler
43.crossing the rubicon
44.relish the moment
45.the beauty of pisa in the afternoon
46.thoughts for a new year
47.the rainy day
49.walking to the sea coast
50.the subway station
52.youth and lost youth
53.boyhood remembered
54.when you are old
55.the rose
56.life is worth living
57.don't wreck your kid's lives
58.a daughter thanks her mother
59.life is a test.it is only a test
60.three passions
61.about reading books
62.our pursuit of happiness
63.a summer day
65.address to his troops
66.if i rest, i rust
67.an october sunrise
69.the village school
70.the two roads
71.the balance of nature
72.benjamin franklin
73.the storm
74.a pair of socks
75.if i were a boy again
77.a true instinct for the beautiful
78.on motes and beams
80.of studies
81.the road to success
82.too dear for the whistle
83.the value of time
84.a lesson from my son(i)
85.a lesson from my son(ii)
86.jane eyre
87.a ballto roll around
88.work and pleasure
89.on leadership
90.three days to see
appendix i
appendix ii
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