- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(澳)皮姆 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787560061887
- 出版日期:2007-1-1
1. History
History within translation studies
The parts of translation history
The interdependence and separateness of the parts
A too-brief history of translation history
Reasons for doing translation history
2. Importance
What is importance?
Against blithe empiricism
Personal interests
Research and client interests
Subjective interests and humility
3. Lists
Reasons for lists
Getting data
The difference between catalogues and corpora
Shortcomings in bibliographies: four examples
Completeness in history and geology
Sources as sifted sands
The historian as reader of indexes
4. Working definitions
Why some information has to be thrown out ?
In defence of definitions
Inclusive definitions
Defining translations from paratexts
Corpora of borderline cases
How Wagner sneaked in ?
How Salome danced out ?
5. Frequencies
Statistics and importance
Diachronic distribution
Retranslations, re-editions and nontranslations
Retranslation and its reasons
A general diachronic hypothesis
6. Networks
Reconstructing networks from within
Mapping networks
Two cheap transfer maps
Lines and symbols
The spatial axis
Cities as borders
7. Norms and systems
Actually reading translations
Leaps of faith
The will to system
Subjectless prose
Where's the gold?
8. Regimes
What are regimes?
Starting from debates
A regime for twelfth-century Toledo
A regime for Castilian protohumanism
A regime for early twentieth-century poetry anthologies
Translation as a transaction cost
9. Causes
Systemic and probabilistic causation
Transfer as material causation
Final causes in theories of systems and actions
Equivalence as formal cause
Translators as efficient causes
10. Translators
Translators, not 'the translator'
Translators can do more than translate
Translators have personal interests
Translators can move
Translators can go by several names
11. Intercultures
Where intercultures are hidden7
Translations or translators?
Strangers and trust
Interculturality and its negation
Intercultural professions as a social context
An alternative basic link
What is a culture?
12. Interdisciplinarity
Personal reasons for pessimism
A lacking discipline
Cultural Studies?
Intercultural Studies
Index of Names & Topics
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