- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(瑞士)李艷綺 等主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787513521505
- 出版日期:2012-6-1
《翻譯人才培養的全球視野:國際大學翻譯學院聯合會2011年會論文集》This book contains a
selection of papers presented at CIUTI—Forum Beijing 2011 by
participants from international and professional bodies,
from the industries and from universities.Together,they present a
panoramic picture of the state of the art concerning the fast
development of translation and interpreting training worldwide and
the need for cooperation between international organizations and
universities,and between the industries and the T&I
trainers.The 21 papers in this volume fall under the following
subheadings:(1)T&I Studies:a Global Vision; (2)T&I
Studies:Programme Development in the Far East;(3)T&I TraininIg
at a Close Range and(4) New Perspectives on T&I Studies.
Global Strategic Partnership Policy and Its Effect on the
Translation and Interpreting Industry and Professional
Organizations--the United Nations Model
Translators as Experts for International Communication in
Specialized Fields
Undoing and Redoing Language Planning and Translation Policy
Training in and for Different Cultures:The Case of Macedonia
Economy of Community Interpreting in the ROK
A More Inclusive Model of Translator and Interpreter Training
On Developing the Practical Ability of College
TransIation,Interpreting Majors
Training of Trainers for Translation and Interpreting in
Translation and Interpretation Competency Examinations in
Taiwan:Since 2007
An Analytic Study of GSTI-BFSU Students’Master Thesis Topics and
Correlations with Curriculum Development
An Empirical Study of Learning Anxieties Amongst Chinese Learners
of Interpreting
Translators as Mind Readers Translation and TOM
Controlling the Narrative:How Top-notch Translations Can Help
Clients Master Their Market
English Abstract
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英語筆譯實務:2級 | 盧敏 主編 | 外文出版社 | ¥45.00¥31.50 |
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英語筆譯綜合能力 2級 最新修訂版 | 外文出版社 | ¥43.00¥30.10 |
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翻譯的技巧 | 錢歌川 著 | 世界圖書出版公司 | ¥56.00¥40.30 |
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英語口譯綜合能力 2級 最新修訂版 | 王立弟 主.. | 外文出版社 | ¥43.00¥32.60 |
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英語筆譯綜合能力:2級 | 外文出版社 | ¥40.00¥28.00 |
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