- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
譚業升 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787544613712
- 出版日期:2009-8-1
Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview
Chapter 2 Toward a Cognitive Model of Meaning Construction in Translation
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Two Cognitive Constructivist Approaches to Translation
2.2.1 The Relevance theory of translation
2.2.2 A Schema-theoretic view of translation
2.2.3 Correlation between the Relevance theory of translation and the Schema-theoretic view of translation
2.2.4 An explanatory frame: Three cognitive principles governing translation in a sequence of priority
2.3 A Cognitive Linguistic View of Meaning Construction and Translation
2.3.1 What is cognitive linguistics?
2.3.2 The interaction between language and cognition in meaning construction in translation
2.3.3 Language schemata redefined and the sanctioning effects of linguistic conventions in translation
2.3.4 On-line construal in language use and translation
2.4 A Cognitive Model of Meaning Construction in Translation
Chapter 3 Domain Conceptualization and Ground Construal in Translation
3.1 Domain Conceptualization and Ground Construal
3.1.1 Cognitive domains
3.1.2 Ground
3.2 Construal and Cognitive Abilities
3.3 Image Transformation/Construal Shifis in Meaning Construction and the Implications for Translation
3.4 The Methodology of Investigating Translational Shifts and Variations
3.4.1 Descriptive Translation Studies vs.Prescriptive Translation Studies
3.4.2 Comparative analytical method of the DTS
3.5 Translational Shifts and Variations along Different Dimensions of Construal
3.5.1 Base/profile organization
3.5.2 Level of specificity (abstraction)
3.5.3 Subjectivity vs.objectivity
3.5.4 Perspective
3.5.5 Prominence: figure/ground organization
3.5.6 Interaction between different construal operations
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 Image Schematic, Metonymic and Metaphorical Construal in Translation
4.1 Image Schema and Image Schematic Transformations in Translation
4.2 Metonymic Construal in Translation
4.2.1 A traditional view ofmetonymy and metonymy translation
4.2.2 Metonymy in cognitive linguistics and in translation
Chapter 5 Language Schemata,Preferred Construal Patterns,and Cognitive Changes in Translation
Chapter 6 Cognitive Styles of Translation
Chapter 7 Conclusion
Appendix:A glossary in English and Chinese
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