- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
楊金才,王海萌 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787544615235
- 出版日期:2010-1-1
Unit One Fiction
1.1 Understanding Fiction
1.2 Plot
David Herbert Lawrence and Tickets, Please.
1.3 Character
Sherwood Anderson and The Egg.
1.4 Point of View and Tone
Margaret Atwood and Rape Fantasies .
1.5 Theme
James Joyce and The Dead.
1.6 Style
Ernest Hemingway and In Another Country.
1.7 Selected Commentaries
Mark Savin: Coming Full Circle: Sherwood Anderson's 'The Egg'.
L.J.Morrissery: Inner and Outer Perceptions in Joyce's 'The Dead'.
1.8 Further Reading
Luigi Pirandello and War.
Student Paper: Defining 'War .
Unit Two Poetry
2.1 Understanding Poetry
2.2 Voice: Speaker and Tone
Robert Browning and Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister.
2.3 Diction
William Blake and London.
2.4 Imagery
Williams Shakespeare and Sonnet 130
2.5 Figures of Speech
Emily Dickinson and I like to see it lap the Miles.
2.6 Sound and Rhythm
E.E.Cummings and anyone lived in a pretty how town.
2.7 Selected Commentaries
Heather Glen: The Stance of Observation in wilham Blake's 'London'.
William Freedman: Dickinson's 'I lille to see it lap the Miles'.
2.8 Fmlher Reading i
Robert Frost and Design .
Student Paper: An Unfolding of Robert Frost's 'Design'.
Unit Three Drachma
3.1 Understanding Drama
3.2 ShakespeareanComedy
William Shakespeare and A Midsummer Night's Dream
3.3 The Problem Play
George Bernard Shaw and Widowers' Houses
3.4 The Feminist Theater
Susan Olaspell and Trifles
3.5 The Theater of the Absurd
Samuel Beckett and Krapp's Last Tape.
3.6 Selected Commentaries
Kate Kellaway: Shaw-ly Some Mistake.
Robert Brustein: Krapp's Last Tape.
3.7 Furthcr Readlng
Sophocles and Antigone
Student Paper: Antigone A Struggle between Human and Divine Powers
Unit Four Literary Criticism
4.1 Understanding Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism
4.2 Marxist Criticism
Raymond williams and Base and Superstructure in Marxist Cultural Theory.
4.3 Psychoanalytical Criticism
Sigmund Freud and Creative Writers and Day-Dreaming .
4.4 Feminist Criticism
Sandra M.Gilbert, Susan Gubar and The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination.
4.5 Postcolonial Criticism
Edward Said and 'Introduction' to Orientalism.
4.6 Selected Commentaries
Maggie Humm: Feminist Futures:
Leela Gandhi: The Limits of Postcolonial Theory.
4.7 Further Reading
Margaret Atwood and Spelling.
Student Paper: A Feminist Critique of Margaret Atwood's 'Spelling
1.Glossary of Literary Terms
2.Literary Background Information
3.Sample Papers
4.Websites for Further Studies
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翻譯碩士英語 | 周瓊,黃敏.. | 武漢大學出版社 | ¥41.00¥29.80 |
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