- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
溫丹麗,畢秀梅 主
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787561125755
- 出版日期:2007-7-1
本書具有以下特點:1. 每個單元都是訓練閱讀能力的一個完整的過程,訓練目的明確,配備相應練習。通過周期性反復訓練使學生掌握閱讀專業文章的正確方法。2. 教材內容安排上,按電子信息類學科細經成八個單元,每個單元突出一個學科領域的知識,這是該教材編寫上的一大特色。3. 選材新穎,點面結合。不僅能體現專業知識性還能體現趣味性,同時選取了大量的最新知識和最新的應和實例。4. 每課都提供了各種練習題,既實用又具有針對性,有利于檢驗學生學習掌握的程度。便于更好進行教學活動。5. 課文中生詞的注釋標在正文的一側,利于學生閱讀。6. 為了便于擴大學生的專業詞匯量,專業詞匯將按各單元所涉及的學科內容分別列在各單元結束的地方,這也是該教材的一大特色。
Unit One Foundation of Electricity
Passage One The History Of Electricity
Passage Two Electric Circuit
Passage Three Thevenin’S 8L Norton~S Theorem
Passage Four Digital Circuits
Passage Five Operational Amplifiers
Unit Two Electronic Products
Passage One Ho.w doesa liquid crystal display TV work?
Passage Two How does a washing machine work?
Passage Three Refrigerators
Passage Four Microwave 0vens
Passage Five MP4 User’S Manual(selected)
Unit Three Electronic Apparatus and Instrument?
Passage One Electronic Components
Passage Two Analog Instruments and Uses
Passage Three Introductions to Common Digital Instruments
Passage Four Measuring Voltage with Oscilloscopes
Passage Five Computer—based Test Instruments
Unit Four Sensors and Transducers
Passage One Basic Knowledge of Transducers
Passage Two The Characteristics and Features of Sensors
Passage Three Sensor Technology
Passage Four Photoelectric Sensor
Passage Five Induction of Sensor Productions
Unit Five Computer Simulation and Aided Design
Passage One Introduction to Computer Simulation
Passage Two CAD 8。CAM
Passage Three Introduction to Protel 99SE
Passage Four What is a VHDL?
Passage Five Applications of EDA in Circuit Experiments
Unit Six Control Technology
Passage One Industrial Bus
Passage Two Microprocessor
Passage Three What is a PLC?
Passage Four Intelligent System
Passage Five Introductions to PID Controllers
Unit Seven Automatic Control System
Passage One Computer Control System
Passage Two MSC一51 On—chip UART
Passage Three The Watchdog
Passage Four Industrial Robots
Passage Five Home Automation
Unit Eight Communication Engineering
Passage One Communications and Communication System
Passage Two Introduction of GPS
Passage Three The Difference between GSM and CDMA
Passage Four Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
Passage Five Data Communications
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