Unit 1 Introduction to Customs and Customs Declaration
Section I Dialogue: Customs in China
Section II Reading: Import and Export Declarations
Section III Reading: Trade Restriction
Section IV Reading: FAQs for Customs Declaration in the EU
Unit 2 Classification of Goods under Customs Supervision
Section I Reading: Bonded Goods
Section II Reading: Tax Exempt or Reduction Goods
Section III Reading: Temporary Admission Goods
Section IV Reading: Temporary Admission in Different Countries and Areas
Unit 3 Customs Entry
Section I Dialogue: Basic Concepts of Customs Entries and Duties
Section II Reading: Guangzhou Customs Guide to Local Declaration &Port Clearance
Section III Reading: China Celebrates a Decade in ATA Carnet System
Section IV Document Study: Customs Declaration Form
Unit 4 Necessary Documents for Customs Declaration
Section I Document Study: Import/Export License of China
Section II Document Study: Certificate of Origin
Section III Document Study: Sales Confirmation
Section IV Document Study: Invoice
Section V Document Study: Packing List
Section VI Document Study: Inspection Certificates
Unit 5 Inspection of Import and Export Goods
Section I Dialogue: Commodity Inspection
Section II Reading: An Introduction to Inspection and Quarantine
Section III Reading: The Introduction of AQSIQ
Section IV Reading: Importation of Poultry and Poultry Products in the EU
Unit 6 Tariffs
Section I Reading: Tariff in China
Section II Reading: Value Added Tax
Section III Reading: Excise Duties on Alcohol, Tobacco and Energy
Section IV Reading: Temporary Exemption from Duty
Unit 7 Release of the Goods
Section I Dialogue: Some Issues about Customs Clearance
Section II Reading: Guangzhou Customs Management on Convenient and Quick Customs Clearance
Section III Reading: Separating Release from Clearance Procedures
Unit 8 Customs Clearance of Different Goods
Section I Dialogue: Customs Clearance of ATA Goods
Section II Reading: Legal Rules on Bonded Goods in China
Section III Reading: Taxation on ATA Goods
Key to the Exercises
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機械專業英語圖解教程 | 朱派龍 主.. | 北京大學出版社 | ¥22.00¥17.20 |
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報關與國際貨運專業英語-中國報關協會統編高職高專精品教.. | 榮瑾 主編 | 中國海關出版社 | ¥38.00¥28.50 |
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國際物流和貨代英語實訓(國家示范性高職院校建設成果·職.. | 劉梅,胡揚.. | 清華大學出版社 | ¥20.00¥16.00 |
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