Part Ⅰ Indoor Air Quality
Unit 1 Indoor Air Quality Concerns
1. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Problems
2. Indoor Air Pollution Standards
3. Building-Related Illness (BRI)
Reading Material Do You Suspect Your Office has an Indoor Air Problem?
Translating Skills Ⅰ
Unit 2 The Common Causes of IAQ Problems
1. Pollutant Sources
2. Amount of Ventilation
Reading Material Sources of Combustion Products
Translating Skills Ⅱ
Unit 3 Indoor Air Pollution and Health :
1. Immediate Effects
2. Long-Term Effects
3. Sensitive Proportions of the Population
Reading Material Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)
Translating Skills Ⅲ
Unit 4 Identify the Indoor Air Quality Problems
1. How to identify your indoor air quality problems?
2. Measuring Pollutant Levels
Reading Material Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme of Hung Kong
Translating Skills Ⅳ
Part Ⅱ Sources of Indoor Air Pollution
Unit 5 Formaldehyde
1. Sources of Formaldehyde
2. Health Effects
3. Steps to Reduce Exposure
Reading Material The Questionnaire about IAQ
Translating SkillsⅤ
Unit 6 Organic Gases and TVOCs
1. Organic Gases
2. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
3. Interior Paints and TVOCs
Reading Material Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide
Translating Skills Ⅵ
Unit 7 Radon
1. Sources of Radon
2. Health Risks
Reading Material January is National Radon Action Month
Translating Skills Ⅶ
Unit 8 Respirable Particles
1. Physical and Chemical Properties
2. Sources of Respirable Particles
3. What airborne particles are found in your home?
4. Health Effects
5. Steps to Reduce Exposure to Respirable Particles
Reading Material Asbestos in Your Home
Speaking Skills Ⅰ
Unit 9 Environmental Tobacco Smoke
1. Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)
2. Health Impact
3. Remedial Action
Reading Material Secondhand Smoke
Speaking Skills Ⅱ
Unit 10 Biological Pollution
1. Sources of Biological Pollution
2. Health Effects from Biological Contaminants
3. Reducing Exposure to Biological Contaminants
Reading Material Legionnaire's Disease
Speaking Skills Ⅲ
Part Ⅲ Improving Indoor Air Quality
Unit 11 Source Control
1. Basic Strategies to Improve Indoor Air Quality
2. Adequate Designs, Maintenance and Operation of MVAC System
3. Application of Common Sense
Reading Material Ozone
Speaking Skills Ⅳ
Unit 12 Healthy Renovation
1. Indoor Air Pollutants Generated from Renovation Works
2. Reduce the IAQ Problems during and after Renovation
Reading Material Improving Indoor Air Quality with Plants
Writing Skills I
Unit 13 Ventilation Improvements
1. Health Problems and Ventilation
2. Ventilation System Problems and Solutions
3. System Design
4. Operation and Maintenance
Reading Material Air Cleaners
Writing Skills Ⅱ
Part Ⅳ In-Vehicle Air Quality
Unit 14 Pollutants Lurk inside Vehicles
1. Give me Some Space
2. New Car Smell
Reading Material Air Pollutants inside California Vehicles
Writing Skills Ⅲ
Unit 15 Tackling in-Car Pollution
1. The Pollutants inside Automobiles
2. The Pollutants from Auto Exhaust
3. The Solutions to the in-Car Pollution Problem
Reading Material ARRPET and ARRPET Activity in Beijing, China
Writing Skills Ⅳ
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機械專業英語圖解教程 | 朱派龍 主.. | 北京大學出版社 | ¥22.00¥17.20 |
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