- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(美)鄧肯,(美)戈達德 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787300102573
- 出版日期:2009-2-1
中國人的休閑生活,對于他們來說,在人生、文化、人格等諸方面,有著特殊的意義和目的。通過悠閑的生活藝術,人民群眾找到了精神和理想的棲身之所,達到了靈與肉的和諧統一,實現了觀賞美麗世界的目的,獲得了展示自我、抒發性靈、縱情放達的機會,發現了塵世生活的種種樂趣和享受。他們登山越嶺,看海觀潮,種名花,栽茂樹,賞梅悅桃,孤樽聽夜雨,流水聽舷歌……大自然中的昆蟲、草木、云影、瀑布,以及一切有靈之物,都會融入他們的腦海,化作他們的血液,成為他們生命意識中重要的一部分。 翻閱此書,掌握方法,你就會發現休閑竟是如此的簡單!
The United States of America dominates the twenty-first-century world both in military and political power as well as in its cultural influence as a model of the "good life" and a desired destination for migration.
This completely revised and updated second edition of Contemporary America provides an extremely broad-ranging introduction to the society, politics, economy, culture, and world role of the United States. The authors focus on the Clinton and George W. Bush presidencies--and in particular on the period since the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001 which has been marked by a growing cultural division between a largely permissive, urban Democratic "Blue" America and a largely religious, rural, and Republican "Red" America.
Illustrated throughout with relevant photographs, maps, charts, and tables, Contemporary America covers everything from rock music to national parks and from media corporations to social security. This is an ideal starting-point in American studies for students and general readers alike.
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