品牌:圖書詳情 商品基本信息,請以下列介紹為準 商品名稱: 數字信號處理——基于計算機的方法(第四版)(英文改編版) 作者: 米特拉 譯者: 闊永紅 改編 市場價: 69元 文軒網價: 55.2元【80折】 ISBN號: 9787121145971 出版社: 電子工業出版社 商品類型: 圖書
其他參考信息(以實物為準) 裝幀:平裝 開本:16開 語種:英語 出版時間:2011-10-01 版次:1 頁數:621 印刷時間:2011-10-01 印次:1 字數:1165.00千字
主編推薦 Sanjit K. Mitra所著的《數字信號處理――基于計算機的方法(第4版英文改編版)》是數字信號處理的經典教材,是作者在多年教學的基礎上編寫而成的。其版本不斷更新,內容涵蓋了離散時間信號、系統和現代數字信號處理的基礎知識。本書的每一章均從基本概念入手,詳細闡述各種基本理論與分析方法,并在介紹中給出了許多數字信號處理的應用實例,以及基于MATLAB的仿真實驗。在學習完本書以后,學生即可掌握數字信號處理的基礎知識及實際應用。
內容簡介 本書是在數字信號領域的經典教材Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach, Fourth Edition的基礎上改編而成的,內容涵蓋了信號與信號處理、時域中的離散時間信號統、頻域中的離散時間信號、離散時間系統、有限長離散變換、z變換、變換域中的LTI離散時間系統、數字濾波器結構、IIR數字濾波器設計、FIR數字濾波器設計、DSP算法實現等方面。本書的特點是,在講解上述內容的同時,給出了大量簡單而實用的例子,并用MATLAB程序進行了驗證,同時提供了大量的高質量習題和仿真練習。
目錄 1 Signals and Signal Processing 1
1.1 Characterization and Classification of Signals 1
1.2 Typical Signal Processing Operations 4
1.3 Examples of Typical Signals 13
1.4 Typical Signal Processing Applications 21
1.5 Why Digital Signal Processing? 29
2 Discrete-Time Signals in the Time Domain 33
2.1 Time-Domain Representation 34
2.2 Operations on Sequences 38
2.3 Operations on Finite-Length Sequences 47
2.4 Typical Sequences and Sequence Representation 54
2.5 The Sampling Process 64
2.6 Correlation of Signals 66
2.7 Random Signals 72
2.8 Summary 73
2.9 Problems 73
2.10 MATLAB Exercises 79
3 Discrete-Time Signals in the Frequency Domain 81
3.1 The Continuous-Time Fourier Transform 81
3.2 The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 86
3.3 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Theorems 97
3.4 Energy Density Spectrum of a Discrete-Time Sequence 103
3.5 Band-Limited Discrete-Time Signals 104
3.6 DTFT Computation Using MATLAB 105
3.7 The Unwrapped Phase Function 105
3.8 Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals 107
3.9 Sampling of Bandpass Signals 121
3.10 Effect of Sample-and-Hold Operation 123
3.11 Summary 124
3.12 Problems 125
3.13 MATLAB Exercises 134
4 Discrete-Time Systems 135
4.1 Discrete-Time System Examples 135
4.2 Classification of Discrete-Time Systems 141
4.3 Impulse and Step Responses 145
4.4 Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-Time Systems 146
4.5 Simple Interconnection Schemes 153
4.6 Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems 156
4.7 Classification of LTI Discrete-Time Systems 164
4.8 Frequency-Domain Representations of LTI Discrete-Time Systems 167
4.9 Phase and Group Delays 174
4.10 Summary 178
4.11 Problems 179
4.12 MATLAB Exercises 187
5 Finite-Length Discrete Transforms 188
5.1 Orthogonal Transforms 188
5.2 The Discrete Fourier Transform 190
5.3 Relation Between the DTFT and the DFT and Their Inverses 194
5.4 Circular Convolution 200
5.5 Classifications of Finite-Length Sequences 205
5.6 DFT Symmetry Relations 210
5.7 Discrete Fourier Transform Theorems 213
5.8 Fourier-Domain Filtering 219
5.9 Computation of the DFT of Real Sequences 221
5.10 Linear Convolution Using the DFT 223
5.11 Summary 234
5.12 Problems 234
5.13 MATLAB Exercises 247
6 z-Transform 249
6.1 Definition 249
6.2 Rational z-Transforms 253
6.3 Region of Convergence of a Rational z-Transform 255
6.4 The Inverse z-Transform 261
6.5 z-Transform Theorems 269
6.6 Computation of the Convolution Sum of Finite-Length Sequences 277
6.7 The Transfer Function 280
6.8 Summary 292
6.9 Problems 292
6.10 MATLAB Exercises 304
7 LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Transform Domain 305
7.1 Transfer Function Classification Based on Magnitude Characteristics 305
7.2 Transfer Function Classification Based on Phase Characteristics 314
7.3 Types of Linear-Phase FIR Transfer Functions 321
7.4 Simple Digital Filters 332
7.5 Inverse Systems 349
7.6 Summary 353
7.7 Problems 354
7.8 MATLAB Exercises 368
8 Digital Filter Structures 371
8.1 Block Diagram Representation 372
8.2 Equivalent Structures 375
8.3 Basic FIR Digital Filter Structures 376
8.4 Basic IIR Digital Filter Structures 381
8.5 Realization of Basic Structures Using MATLAB 387
8.6 Allpass Filters 390
8.7 IIR Tapped Cascaded Lattice Structures 399
8.8 FIR Cascaded Lattice Structures 404
8.9 Summary 409
8.10 Problems 410
8.11 MATLAB Exercises 423
9 IIR Digital Filter Design 425
9.1 Preliminary Considerations 425
9.2 Bilinear TransformationMethod of IIR Filter Design 430
9.3 Design of Lowpass IIR Digital Filters 435
9.4 Design of Highpass, Bandpass, and Bandstop IIR Digital Filters 437
9.5 Spectral Transformations of IIR Filters 441
9.6 IIR Digital Filter Design Using MATLAB 448
9.7 Summary 451
9.8 Problems 451
9.9 MATLAB Exercises 457
10 FIR Digital Filter Design 459
10.1 Preliminary Considerations 459
10.2 FIR Filter Design Based on Windowed Fourier Series 463
10.3 Computer-Aided Design of Equiripple Linear-Phase FIR Filters 478
10.4 Design of Minimum-Phase FIR Filters 487
10.5 FIR Digital Filter Design Using MATLAB 488
10.6 Summary 504
10.7 Problems 505
10.8 MATLAB Exercises 512
11 DSP Algorithm Implementation 516
11.1 Basic Issues 516
11.2 Structure Simulation and Verification Using MATLAB 527
11.3 Computation of the Discrete Fourier Transform 534
11.4 Fast DFT Algorithms Based on Index Mapping 549
11.5 DFT and IDFT Computation Using MATLAB 557
11.6 Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform 559
11.7 DFT Computation over a Narrow Frequency Band 559
11.8 Summary 564
11.9 Problems 564
11.10 MATLAB Exercises 572
A Analog Lowpass Filter Design 575
A.1 Analog Filter Specifications 575
A.2 Butterworth Approximation 577
A.3 Chebyshev Approximation 579
A.4 Elliptic Approximation 582
A.5 Linear-Phase Approximation 583
A.6 Analog Filter Design Using MATLAB 584
A.7 Analog Lowpass Filter Design Examples 587
A.8 A Comparison of the Filter Types 589
A.9 Anti-Aliasing Filter Design 592
A.10 Reconstruction Filter Design 594
B Design of Analog Highpass, Bandpass, and Bandstop Filters 599
B.1 Analog Highpass Filter Design 599
B.2 Analog Bandpass Filter Design 601
B.3 Analog Bandstop Filter Design 604
Bibliography 605
商品基本信息,請以下列介紹為準 | |
商品名稱: | 數字信號處理——基于計算機的方法(第四版)(英文改編版) |
作者: | 米特拉 |
譯者: | 闊永紅 改編 |
市場價: | 69元 |
文軒網價: | 55.2元【80折】 |
ISBN號: | 9787121145971 |
出版社: | 電子工業出版社 |
商品類型: | 圖書 |
其他參考信息(以實物為準) | ||
裝幀:平裝 | 開本:16開 | 語種:英語 |
出版時間:2011-10-01 | 版次:1 | 頁數:621 |
印刷時間:2011-10-01 | 印次:1 | 字數:1165.00千字 |
主編推薦 | |
Sanjit K. Mitra所著的《數字信號處理――基于計算機的方法(第4版英文改編版)》是數字信號處理的經典教材,是作者在多年教學的基礎上編寫而成的。其版本不斷更新,內容涵蓋了離散時間信號、系統和現代數字信號處理的基礎知識。本書的每一章均從基本概念入手,詳細闡述各種基本理論與分析方法,并在介紹中給出了許多數字信號處理的應用實例,以及基于MATLAB的仿真實驗。在學習完本書以后,學生即可掌握數字信號處理的基礎知識及實際應用。 |
內容簡介 | |
本書是在數字信號領域的經典教材Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach, Fourth Edition的基礎上改編而成的,內容涵蓋了信號與信號處理、時域中的離散時間信號統、頻域中的離散時間信號、離散時間系統、有限長離散變換、z變換、變換域中的LTI離散時間系統、數字濾波器結構、IIR數字濾波器設計、FIR數字濾波器設計、DSP算法實現等方面。本書的特點是,在講解上述內容的同時,給出了大量簡單而實用的例子,并用MATLAB程序進行了驗證,同時提供了大量的高質量習題和仿真練習。 |
目錄 | |
1 Signals and Signal Processing 1 1.1 Characterization and Classification of Signals 1 1.2 Typical Signal Processing Operations 4 1.3 Examples of Typical Signals 13 1.4 Typical Signal Processing Applications 21 1.5 Why Digital Signal Processing? 29 2 Discrete-Time Signals in the Time Domain 33 2.1 Time-Domain Representation 34 2.2 Operations on Sequences 38 2.3 Operations on Finite-Length Sequences 47 2.4 Typical Sequences and Sequence Representation 54 2.5 The Sampling Process 64 2.6 Correlation of Signals 66 2.7 Random Signals 72 2.8 Summary 73 2.9 Problems 73 2.10 MATLAB Exercises 79 3 Discrete-Time Signals in the Frequency Domain 81 3.1 The Continuous-Time Fourier Transform 81 3.2 The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 86 3.3 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Theorems 97 3.4 Energy Density Spectrum of a Discrete-Time Sequence 103 3.5 Band-Limited Discrete-Time Signals 104 3.6 DTFT Computation Using MATLAB 105 3.7 The Unwrapped Phase Function 105 3.8 Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals 107 3.9 Sampling of Bandpass Signals 121 3.10 Effect of Sample-and-Hold Operation 123 3.11 Summary 124 3.12 Problems 125 3.13 MATLAB Exercises 134 4 Discrete-Time Systems 135 4.1 Discrete-Time System Examples 135 4.2 Classification of Discrete-Time Systems 141 4.3 Impulse and Step Responses 145 4.4 Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-Time Systems 146 4.5 Simple Interconnection Schemes 153 4.6 Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems 156 4.7 Classification of LTI Discrete-Time Systems 164 4.8 Frequency-Domain Representations of LTI Discrete-Time Systems 167 4.9 Phase and Group Delays 174 4.10 Summary 178 4.11 Problems 179 4.12 MATLAB Exercises 187 5 Finite-Length Discrete Transforms 188 5.1 Orthogonal Transforms 188 5.2 The Discrete Fourier Transform 190 5.3 Relation Between the DTFT and the DFT and Their Inverses 194 5.4 Circular Convolution 200 5.5 Classifications of Finite-Length Sequences 205 5.6 DFT Symmetry Relations 210 5.7 Discrete Fourier Transform Theorems 213 5.8 Fourier-Domain Filtering 219 5.9 Computation of the DFT of Real Sequences 221 5.10 Linear Convolution Using the DFT 223 5.11 Summary 234 5.12 Problems 234 5.13 MATLAB Exercises 247 6 z-Transform 249 6.1 Definition 249 6.2 Rational z-Transforms 253 6.3 Region of Convergence of a Rational z-Transform 255 6.4 The Inverse z-Transform 261 6.5 z-Transform Theorems 269 6.6 Computation of the Convolution Sum of Finite-Length Sequences 277 6.7 The Transfer Function 280 6.8 Summary 292 6.9 Problems 292 6.10 MATLAB Exercises 304 7 LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Transform Domain 305 7.1 Transfer Function Classification Based on Magnitude Characteristics 305 7.2 Transfer Function Classification Based on Phase Characteristics 314 7.3 Types of Linear-Phase FIR Transfer Functions 321 7.4 Simple Digital Filters 332 7.5 Inverse Systems 349 7.6 Summary 353 7.7 Problems 354 7.8 MATLAB Exercises 368 8 Digital Filter Structures 371 8.1 Block Diagram Representation 372 8.2 Equivalent Structures 375 8.3 Basic FIR Digital Filter Structures 376 8.4 Basic IIR Digital Filter Structures 381 8.5 Realization of Basic Structures Using MATLAB 387 8.6 Allpass Filters 390 8.7 IIR Tapped Cascaded Lattice Structures 399 8.8 FIR Cascaded Lattice Structures 404 8.9 Summary 409 8.10 Problems 410 8.11 MATLAB Exercises 423 9 IIR Digital Filter Design 425 9.1 Preliminary Considerations 425 9.2 Bilinear TransformationMethod of IIR Filter Design 430 9.3 Design of Lowpass IIR Digital Filters 435 9.4 Design of Highpass, Bandpass, and Bandstop IIR Digital Filters 437 9.5 Spectral Transformations of IIR Filters 441 9.6 IIR Digital Filter Design Using MATLAB 448 9.7 Summary 451 9.8 Problems 451 9.9 MATLAB Exercises 457 10 FIR Digital Filter Design 459 10.1 Preliminary Considerations 459 10.2 FIR Filter Design Based on Windowed Fourier Series 463 10.3 Computer-Aided Design of Equiripple Linear-Phase FIR Filters 478 10.4 Design of Minimum-Phase FIR Filters 487 10.5 FIR Digital Filter Design Using MATLAB 488 10.6 Summary 504 10.7 Problems 505 10.8 MATLAB Exercises 512 11 DSP Algorithm Implementation 516 11.1 Basic Issues 516 11.2 Structure Simulation and Verification Using MATLAB 527 11.3 Computation of the Discrete Fourier Transform 534 11.4 Fast DFT Algorithms Based on Index Mapping 549 11.5 DFT and IDFT Computation Using MATLAB 557 11.6 Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform 559 11.7 DFT Computation over a Narrow Frequency Band 559 11.8 Summary 564 11.9 Problems 564 11.10 MATLAB Exercises 572 A Analog Lowpass Filter Design 575 A.1 Analog Filter Specifications 575 A.2 Butterworth Approximation 577 A.3 Chebyshev Approximation 579 A.4 Elliptic Approximation 582 A.5 Linear-Phase Approximation 583 A.6 Analog Filter Design Using MATLAB 584 A.7 Analog Lowpass Filter Design Examples 587 A.8 A Comparison of the Filter Types 589 A.9 Anti-Aliasing Filter Design 592 A.10 Reconstruction Filter Design 594 B Design of Analog Highpass, Bandpass, and Bandstop Filters 599 B.1 Analog Highpass Filter Design 599 B.2 Analog Bandpass Filter Design 601 B.3 Analog Bandstop Filter Design 604 Bibliography 605 |
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