良師教案 英語 9年級上冊(外研版)
- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
趙金玉 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787552600940
- 出版日期:2012-4-1
Module 1 Wonders of the world
Unit 1 What is a wonder of the world?
Unit 2 I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon
Unit 3 Language in use
Module 2 Great books
Unit 1 Confucius works are read by many people
Unit 2 It's still read and loved.
Unit 3 Language in use
Module3 Sporting life
Unit 1 When will the match be held?
Unit 2 Liu Xiang was trained for gold
Unit 3 Language in use
Module 4 Great inventions
Unit 1 Paper and printing have been used for ages
Unit 2 Book could be produced more quickly and cheaply
Unit 3 Language in use
Module 5 Mrrseums
Unit l You must of touchit
Unit 2 There's no shouting and no running
Unit 3 Language in use
Module6 Saveour world
Unit 1 It's wasteful to throw away paper and metal.
Unit 2 Remember three words: reduce, reuse, and recycle
Unit 3 Language in use
Revision module A
Module7 Australia
Unit 1 I'm looking for the photos that you took in Australia
Unit 2The camel that I rode had a bad temper
Unit3 Language in use
Module8 Photos
Unit l It's the band which gets everyone dancing
Unit 2 Read on to find out who the winners are
Unit3 I Anguage in use
Module 9 Cartoon stories
Unit 1 We need someone like Superrn an who can save Tony
Unit 2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held
birthday parties for Tint in
Unit 3 Language in use
Module 10 Fitness. Unit 1 I've got a friend whose Ior other is
training for the Olympics
Unit 2 Jamie is a cook whose ideas are changing school
Unit 3 Language in use
Module 11 Population
Unit 1 It's the biggest city in China
Unit 2 It was a quiet country village
Unit 3 Language in use
Module 12 Summer in LA
Unit 1 Your host family is meeting you at the airport
Unit 2 Learn English is Los Angeles
Unit 3 Language in use
Revision module B
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初中英語·九年級全一冊·人教版(2012.3月印刷):5年中.. | 曲一線 主.. | 教育科學出版社 | ¥38.80¥25.10 |
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九年級英語下(人教新目標)(2012年8月印刷)中學教材全解 | 薛金星 主.. | 陜西人民教育出版.. | ¥18.80¥11.10 |
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九年級英語下:外語教研版/2012.8印刷/工具版/中學教材全.. | 薛金星 主.. | 陜西人民教育出版.. | ¥21.80¥14.20 |
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初中英語·外研版·九年級(下)(2012年9月印刷)5年中考.. | 曲一線 主.. | 教育科學出版社 | ¥26.80¥21.40 |
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狀元筆記 九年級英語下(R)人教版 (2012年9月印刷) | 洪林旺 叢.. | 龍門書局 | ¥23.80¥15.50 |
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輕松英語名作欣賞(第2年級下 適合初二、初三)(附光盤)—.. | (法)都德.. | 外語教學與研究出.. | ¥45.00¥36.80 |
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九年級英語下(R)人教版 人教版2012.9印刷/經典版 三點一測 | 希揚 叢書.. | 龍門書局 | ¥23.80¥15.50 |
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(贈mp3光盤)英語周報特級教師系列:英語聽力分項突破 九.. | 席玉虎 主.. | 機械工業出版社 | ¥26.00¥16.20 |
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英語九年級下:RJ 人教版YY(人教版)(2012年9月印刷)教.. | 王后雄 主.. | 中國青年出版社 | ¥17.30¥11.20 |
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初中生 英語滿分作文輔導大全*第3版 | 吳安運 主.. | 中國青年出版社 | ¥16.80¥10.90 |
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倍速學習法九年級英語—人教新目標(下)(2012年9月印刷) | 劉增利 主.. | 北京教育出版社 | ¥11.80¥7.70 |
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九年級 全(中考版)(2012年5月印刷)英語周計劃閱讀與完.. | 查建章 主.. | 南海出版社 | ¥24.80¥14.60 |
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英語:高考完全學案專題考點剖析 | 王后雄 主.. | 西安出版社 | ¥53.70¥37.10 |
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九年級英語閱讀與完形填空全一冊(2012.7月印刷)啟東中學.. | 王生 叢書.. | 龍門書局 | ¥18.00¥11.70 |
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九年級英語下:R版(2012.9印刷)特高級教師點撥 | 榮德基 主.. | 吉林教育出版社 | ¥18.80¥12.20 |
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錦囊妙解中學生英語系列 九年級閱讀理解與完形填空 強化訓.. | 陶倩 主編 | 機械工業出版社 | ¥16.00¥10.40 |
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