F7 Financial Reporting (INT&UK) Studytext F7 財務報告(國際版和英國版)課..
- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
英國BPP出版有限公司 編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787560976402
- 出版日期:2012-1-1
BPP Learning
Helping you to pass - the ONLY F7 Study Text reviewed by the
Studying F7
Important note re F7 UK
The exam paper
1 The conceptual framework
2 The regulatory framework
3 Presentation of published financial statements
4 Non-current assets
5 Intangible assets
6 Impairment of assets
7 Reporting financial performance
8 Introduction to groups
9 The coolidated statement of financial position
10 The coolidated statement of profit or loss and other
compreheive income
11 Accounting for associates
12 Inventories and cotruction contracts
13 Provisio, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
14 Financial assets and liabilities
15 The legal veus the commercial view of accounting
16 Leasing
17 Accounting for taxation
18 Earnings per share
19 Analysing and interpreting financial statements
20 Limitatio of financial statements and interpretation techniques
21 Statements of cash flows
22 Alternative models and practices
23 Specialised, not-for-profit and public sector entities
Exam question bank
Exam awer bank
Review form
BPP Learning Media所著的這本《F7財務報告(國際版和英國版ACCA課本)》內容包括:財務報告的概念框架;財務報告的制度框架;財務報表;企業合并;分析并解釋財務報表。 本課本經由考官審核,并根據考官關于考試中如何考察知識點的指導,在內容上注重大綱中的重要部分。課本逐步講解編制合并財務報表的過程,同時搭配大量的練習。課本幫助你掌握編制單個公司財務報表時可能產生疑問的知識點,并鼓勵你培養應對財務報告中任何問題的能力,而這一點是本階段考官非常重的。
Introduction Helping you to pass - the ONLY F7 Study Text reviewed by the examiner! Studying F7 Important note re F7 UK The exam paper 1 The conceptual framework 2 The regulatory framework 3 Presentation of published financial statements 4 Non-current assets 5 Intangible assets 6 Impairment of assets 7 Reporting financial performance 8 Introduction to groups 9 The coolidated statement of financial position 10 The coolidated statement of profit or loss and other compreheive income 11 Accounting for associates 12 Inventories and cotruction contracts 13 Provisio, contingent liabilities and contingent assets 14 Financial assets and liabilities 15 The legal veus the commercial view of accounting 16 Leasing 17 Accounting for taxation 18 Earnings per share 19 Analysing and interpreting financial statements 20 Limitatio of financial statements and interpretation techniques 21 Statements of cash flows 22 Alternative models and practices 23 Specialised, not-for-profit and public sector entities Exam question bank Exam awer bank Index Review form