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dip, immerse, submerge
dip v.浸,浸染,蘸。多指短時地將某物部分地浸到液體中,有小心翼翼的意思。
The artist dipped his brush in the paint.藝術家拿畫筆蘸了蘸顏料。
immerse v.沉浸,使沉浸于。指全部浸泡在液體中達一段時間,也可指一種氛圍。
Students immerse themselves in their studies.同學們在專心致志地學習。
submerge v.浸沒,淹沒。多指全部浸沒在水下達一定深度。
The girl was submerged in the shallow end of the pool.女孩泡在水池的淺水區一端。
divide, separate
divide v.分開,劃分,指把整體分成若干部分,也表示"疏遠"的意思,常用結構為"divide…from"。
The huge corporation divided into smaller companies.這家大公司分成了一些較小的公司。
separate v.作及物動詞時,意思是"分隔",指把原來連接在一起或靠近的東西分隔開來,常用結構為"separate…from";作不及物動詞時,表示"分散,分別"。
duty, obligation, responsibility
duty n.指道義上的責任,強調自覺性,作可數名詞時指本職工作的任務。
His duty is to see that the business runs well.他的職責是保證生意良好運轉。
obligation n.指合同或法律上規定的"責任,義務",強調其約束力。
Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.父母有法律上的義務確保其子女受到適合其年齡的有效教育。
responsibility n.職責,強調對后果要負責任的意思。
His father is ill, and he has the responsibility of caring for him.他的父親病了,他有責任照顧他。
eject, inject, project
eject v.跳出,噴出,彈射出。
The pilot ejected from the falling airplane.飛行員從墜落的飛機中彈射出去。
inject v.注射。
The nurse injected some medicine into the patient with a needle.護士用注射器給患者打針。
project v.伸出,突出;預計,預報;投射,放映。
The balcony projects out beyond the wall of the house.陽臺從房子的墻壁上突出來。
The government projects that the defense budget will increase by 20% .政府預計國防預算將增長百分之二十。
eligible, illegible
eligible a.享有權利的,具備資格的。
He graduated from high school with good grades, so he is eligible to enroll in the state college.他以優異的成績從中學畢業,所以他有資格就讀于州立大學。
illegible a.很難看懂的,難以辨認的。
The writing is illegible; I cannot read what it says.字跡不清楚,我看不清上面寫的是什么。
eminent, imminent
eminent a.著名的,卓越的,接觸的。
He is eminent in the field of linguistics.他在語言學領域很有名。
imminent a.即將發生的,迫在眉睫的,臨近的。
The wedding date is imminent, so we must send invitations.婚禮迫近,所以我們必須發放請柬。
emotion, feeling, passion, sensation, sentiment
emotion n.情感,感情,指喜怒哀樂等較激動的情緒,表示某物引起的激動。
He felt mixed emotions when he thought of her.當他想起她時便產生一種復雜的感情。
feeling n.指一般的情緒、感覺,它一般不反映感情的本質和強度。
passion n.激情,熱情,欲望,極度的仇恨,指強烈的愛好、憤怒或情欲。
He spoke with passion about the love of freedom.他滿腔熱情地談論著對自由的熱愛。
sensation n.指人體感官受到外部刺激時產生的感覺,知覺。
When she watched the film, she had the sensation that she was in a
moving car.她看電影時,感覺自己正坐在一輛開動的汽車上。
sentiment n.思想感情,情緒,感情色彩,指由于某種思想喚起的感情,強調主觀作用,有時候也帶有理智成分。
When our grandmother died, we remembered her life with strong sentiment.當祖母逝世時,我們深深地懷念她的一生。
encourage, excite, inspire, motivate, stimulate
encourage v.鼓勵,促進,含有"使增強勇氣或給予希望"的意味。
He encouraged his son to go to good college.他鼓勵他的兒子上名牌大學。
excite v.指使人感到激動、興奮;煽動,鼓動。
The band played louder and excited the audience.樂隊演奏得更響亮了,使觀眾興奮起來。
inspire v.鼓舞,激發,影響,常常帶有"啟迪,啟發"的意思。
My mother inspires us with stories of her difficult childhood.我的媽媽給我們講童年時的艱苦生活以激勵我們。
motivate v.激發,促動,強調激起動機去做某事。
A desire to go to medical school motivates her to study hard everyday.她希望上醫學院,這成了她每天努力學習的動力。
stimulate v.刺激,激發,促進,強調刺激反應的結果。
Cold air stimulates me.冷空氣刺激我振作起來。
equal, equivalent, identical
equal a. (數字、數量、權力、價值)相等的;(指人)勝任的。
Those two tables are of equal length.這兩張桌子一樣長。
It is a big responsibility to take on, so I hope he 's equal to the task.要擔負的責任很大,我希望他能夠勝任這項任務。
equivalent a.相等的,相同的,與equal基本可以互換使用。
The two computers are equivalent in speed.這兩臺計算機在運算速度上是相同的。
identical a.同一的,完全相同的。
The boys are identical twins.這兩個男孩子是一模一樣的雙胞胎。
equipment, facility, instrument
equipment n.指生產、研究所需要的設備、裝置,如各種機器和器材,是不可數名詞。
a factory with modern equipment具有現代化設備的工廠
facility n.指較大的設施、設備,尤指公用的、為大眾帶來便利的設備。
The facility at that club includes tennis courts and a swimming pool.那家俱樂部的體育設施包括網球場地和一個游泳池。
instrument n.樂器,儀器,為某個用途而使用的工具。
As a flexible actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.作為一個多才多藝的演員,他既可以表演,又會唱歌跳舞,還能夠演奏不同種類的樂器。
essential, indispensable, necessary
essential a.表示屬于某事物的要素或特征是"主要的,核心的,本質的,必不可少的"。
The essential point is we must do what the contract says.核心的一點是我們必須按照合同的規定去做。
indispensable a.強調客觀上是必不可少的,否則就無法維持生命或做不成某一件事。
Warm clothing is indispensable in cold weather.在寒冷天氣里,厚衣服是必不可少的。
necessary a.是一般用語,強調從主觀上看是必須的,不可避免的。