◎a board game played by two persons / players 兩人玩的棋盤
◎light coloured piece 白色棋子
◎dark coloured piece 黑色棋子
◎rook (國際象棋中的)車
◎bishop (國際象棋中的)象
◎knight (國際象棋中的)馬
◎king (國際象棋中的)王
◎queen (國際象棋中的)王后
◎pawn (國際象棋中的)兵,卒
◎chessboard 棋盤
◎horizontal rows of squares across the board / ranks 棋盤上橫排方格,橫線格
◎the rows of squares up and down / vertical rows / files 上下縱列方格,直線格
◎lines of squares running diagonally / diagonals 沿對角線走的方格,斜對角線格
◎rules to move pieces 走棋規則
◎jump over pieces 走跳棋
◎move in any direction,forwards ,backwards or to either side 按前后左右任何方向走棋
◎move three squares at a time 一次走三格
◎the aim of the game 下棋的目標
◎trap your opponent's King 困住對手的大王
◎escape being captured 躲避被抓
◎checkmate 將軍,敗北,徹底擊敗
◎the checking piece / pieces 將軍棋子
◎need a lot of practice 需要很多練習,操練
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