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國家自然科學基金“面上”:高效提升拉曼散射反Stokes 效率的新型光纖及大面積有源光纖的研制,2013-01-01--2016-12-31,75.0萬元,參加
Bofeng Zhu, Guobin Ren, Martin J. Cryan, Yixiao Gao, Yang Yang, Beilei Wu, Yudong Lian, and Shuisheng Jian, "Magnetically tunable non-reciprocal plasmons resonator based on graphene-coated nanowire," Opt. Mater. Express 5, 2174-2183 (2015).
Bofeng Zhu, Guobin Ren, Yixiao Gao, Beilei Wu, Chenglong Wan, and Shuisheng Jian, "Graphene circular polarization analyzer based on spiral metal triangle antennas s," Opt. Express 23, 24730-24737 (2015).
Lin Huang, Guobin Ren, Yixiao Gao, Bofeng Zhu, and Xiaomeng Sun, "Hindering effect of the core–cladding interface in thermally poled optical fibers," Appl. Opt. 54, 5771-5776 (2015).
Bofeng Zhu, Guobin Ren, Yixiao Gao, Beilei Wu, Qiaoyi Wang, Chenglong Wan, and Shuisheng Jian, "Graphene plasmons isolator based on non-reciprocal coupling," Opt. Express 23, 16071-16083 (2015).
Li, H.; Ren, G.; Gao, Y.; Lian, Y.; Cao, M.; Jian, S., "Particle Swarm Optimization of Single-Mode Trench-Assisted Bend-Insensitive Fibers," Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 27(12), 1293-1296, 2015.
Haisu Li, Guobin Ren, Bin Yin, Yudong Lian, Yunlong Bai, Wei Jian, Shuisheng Jian, "Modeling and optimized design of a parabolic-profile single-mode fiber with ultra-low bending loss and large-mode-area, " Optics Communications, 352, 84-90 2015.
B. Zhu, G. Ren, Y. Gao, Y. Yang, B. Wu, Y. Lian, et al., "Spatial Splitting and Coupling of the Edge Modes in the Graphene Bend Waveguide," Plasmonics 10(3): 745-751. 2015.
Bofeng Zhu, Guobin Ren, Yixiao Gao, Yang Yang, Beilei Wu, Yudong Lian, and Shuisheng Jian, "Nanofocusing in the graphene-coated tapered nanowire infrared probe," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 32, 955-960 (2015).
Huang, L.; Ren, G.; Gao, Y.; Zhu, B.; Peng, W., "Design of Thermally Poled Twin-Core Fiber Coupler With Electrical Tunability," Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 27(8),.919-922, 2015.
Lin Huang, Guobin Ren. Single polarization and poling optimized twin-hole optical fiber[J]. Chinese Optics Letters, 2015, 13(s1): S10603
Huaiqing Liu, Yixiao Gao, Bofeng Zhu, Guobin Ren, Shuisheng Jian, “A T-shaped high resolution plasmonic demultiplexer based on perturbations of two nanoresonators,” Optics Communications, Volume 334, 1 Pages 164-169 (2015).
Yixiao Gao, Guobin Ren, Bofeng Zhu, Jing Wang, and Shuisheng Jian, "Single-mode graphene-coated nanowire plasmonic waveguide," Opt. Lett. 39, 5909-5912 (2014)
L Liang, G Ren, B Yin, W Peng, X Liang, S Jian, "Refractive Index and Temperature Sensor Based on Fiber Ring Laser With STCS Fiber Structure," Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE , vol.26, no.21, pp.2201,2204 (2014).
Yixiao Gao, Guobin Ren, Bofeng Zhu, Huaiqing Liu, Yudong Lian, and Shuisheng Jian, "Analytical model for plasmon modes in graphene-coated nanowire," Opt. Express 22, 24322-24331 (2014).
Bofeng Zhu, Guobin Ren, Yixiao Gao, Yang Yang, Yudong Lian, and Shuisheng Jian, "Graphene-coated tapered nanowire infrared probe: a comparison with metal-coated probes," Opt. Express 22, 24096-24103 (2014).
Lin Huang, Guobin Ren, Bofeng Zhu, Xiaomeng Sun, “Study on polarization properties of twin-hole poling optical fibers,” Optics Communications, Volume 328, 1, Pages 1-7 (2014).
Zhen Lin, Guobin Ren, Siwen Zheng, Wei Jian, and Shuisheng Jian, "Analytic solution of cut-off wavelength of bend-insensitive fibers based on frustrated total reflection," Appl. Opt. 53, 1110-1117 (2014)
Siwen Zheng, Guobin Ren, Zhen Lin, Wei Jian, Shuisheng Jian, “Design and analysis of novel multilayer-core fiber with large mode area and low bending loss,” Opt. Comm., Volume 315, 15 March 2014, Pages 317-323. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2013.11.042.
Zhang Ziyang, Ren Guobin, Zhou Ding’an, Wu Jialiang. Study on Bending Losses of Trench-Assisted Single Mode Optical Fiber[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2014, 51(2): 020605.
Zhen Lin, Guobin Ren, Siwen Zheng, Bofeng Zhu, Wanjing Peng, Shuisheng Jian, "Switchable multi-wavelength fiber laser based on cascade fiber tapers and phase modulator," 2013 International Conference on Photonics & Optoelectronics Technology and Engineering (POTE 2013), Nov. 2013, Beijing, China.
Zheng Siwen, Ren Guobin, Lin Zhen, Jian Wei, Jian Shuisheng. Influence of Trench Parameters on the Characteristic of Trench-Assisted Multi-Core Fiber[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2013, 33(10): 1006001
Zhen Lin, Guobin Ren, Siwen Zheng, Wei Jian, Jingjing Zheng, and Shuisheng Jian, "Analysis and characterization of Er–Yb codoped-depressed inner cladding fiber," Appl. Opt. 52, 5856-5861 (2013).
Bofeng Zhu, Guobin Ren, Siwen Zheng, Zhen Lin, Shuisheng Jian, “Tunable absorption in a dielectric-graphene-metal groove-grating absorber,” Opt. Comm., Volume 308, 1 November 2013, Pages 204-210.
Bofeng Zhu, Guobin Ren, Siwen Zheng, Zhen Lin, and Shuisheng Jian, "Nanoscale dielectric-graphene-dielectric tunable infrared waveguide with ultrahigh refractive indices," Opt. Express 21, 17089-17096 (2013).
Siwen Zheng, Guobin Ren, Zhen Lin, and Shuisheng Jian, "Mode-coupling analysis and trench design for large-mode-area low-cross-talk multicore fiber," Appl. Opt. 52, 4541-4548 (2013).
Siwen Zheng, Guobin Ren, Zhen Lin, Wei Jian, Shuisheng Jian, “A novel four-air-hole multicore dual-mode large-mode-area fiber: Proposal and design,” Optical Fiber Technology, Volume 19, Issue 5, October 2013, Pages 419-427.
Zhen Lin, Guobin Ren, Siwen Zheng, Shuisheng Jian, “Wide-band dual-mode operation of multi-core fibers with air-hole structure,” Optics & Laser Technology, Volume 51, October 2013, Pages 11-16.
G. Ren, Z. Lin, S. Zheng, and S. Jian, "Resonant coupling in trenched bend-insensitive optical fiber," Opt. Lett. 38, 781-783 (2013).
Lin Zhen, Zheng Si-Wen, Ren Guo-Bin et al. “Characterization and comparison of 7-core and 19-core large-mode-area few-mode fibers,” Acta Phys. Sin., 2013, 62(6): 064214.
Zheng Si-Wen, Lin Zhen, Ren Guo-Bin et al. “Design and analysis of novel multi-core dual-mode large-mode-area optical fiber,” Acta Phys. Sin., 2013, 62(4): 044224.
D. Yong, X. Yu, G. Ren, H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, et al. “Photonic Bandgap Fiber for Infiltration-Free. Refractive-Index Sensing,” IEEE J SEL TOP QUANT. 18(5), 1560-1565 (2012).
Zhang Pengcheng, Ren Guobin, “Optimization and Design of Composite Terahertz Achromatic Wave Plate [J].” Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2012, 39(1): 0111001.
G. Ren, Y. Wang, Y. Gong, “Composite waveguide for THz difference frequency generation,” 2011 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2011), Wuhan, China, 2011.
G. Ren, P. Zhang, “Design of achromatic terahertz quarter wave plate by simulated annealing algorithm,” IET Conference Publications, v 2011, n 585 CP, 2011, International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology 2011, ICAIT 2011.
Y. Gong, G. Ren, H. Dong, J. Teng, “A novel fiber-based Terahertz source,” IRMMW-THz 2010 - 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Conference Guide, 2010.
G. H. Wang, P. Shum, G. B. Ren, X. Yu, J. J. Hu, and C. Lin, "Theoretical investigation of nanowaveguide-based optical coupler using mode expansion transfer matrix," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 52, pp. 1123-1129, 2010
G. Ren, Y. Gong, P. Shum, X. Yu, J. Hu, " Polarization Maintaining Air-core Bandgap Fibers for Terahertz Wave Guiding," IEEE J . Quant. Elect., 2009, 45(5): 506-513.
G. Ren, P. Shum, J. Hu, X. Yu, Y. Gong, “Polarization Dependent Bandgap Splitting and Mode Guiding in Liquid Crystal Photonic Bandgap Fibers”, J. Lightw. Technol., 2008, 26(22): 3650-3659.
G. Ren, Y. Gong, P. Shum, X. Yu, J. Hu, G. Wang, M. Ong Ling Chuen, and V. Paulose, "Low-loss air-core polarization maintaining terahertz fiber," Opt. Express, 2008, 16(18): 13593-13598.
G. Ren, P. Shum, J. Hu, X. Yu, Y. Gong, “Study of Polarization-Dependent Bandgap Formation in Liquid Crystal Filled Photonic Crystal Fibers”, IEEE Photo. Technol. Lett., 2008, 20(8): 602-604.
G. Ren, P. Shum, X. Yu, J. Hu, G. Wang, Y. Gong, “Polarization dependent guiding in liquid crystal filled photonic bandgap fibers”, Opt. Comm., 2008, 281(6): 1598-1606.
G. Ren, Y. Gong, P. Shum, X. Yu, J. Hu, “Polarization Maintaining Air-core Fiber for Terahertz Guiding”, P.1.18, 34th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, 21-25 September 2008, Brussels, Belgium, ECOC2008.
G. Ren, P. Shum, X. Yu, J, Hu, Y. Gong, “Bandgap splitting in liquid crystal photonic bandgap fibers,” The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) and The National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC) 2008, San Diego, California, USA.
G. Ren, P. Shum, L. Zhang, X. Yu, W. Tong, and J. Luo, "Low-loss all-solid photonic bandgap fiber," Opt. Lett., 2007, 32(9): 1023-1025.
G. Ren, P. Shum, J. Hu, X. Yu, and Y. Gong, "Fabrication of all-solid photonic bandgap fiber coupler," Opt. Lett., 2007. 32(21): 3059-3061.
G. Ren, P. Shum, L. Zhang, M. Yan, X. Yu, W. Tong, and J. Luo, “Design of all-solid bandgap fiber with improved confinement and bend losses,” IEEE Photo. Technol. Lett., 2006, 18(24): 2560-2562.