①The attacks on ambition are many and come from various angles,its public defenders are few and unimpressive,where they are not extremely unattractive.②As a result,the support for ambition as a healthy impulse,a quality to be admired and fixed in the mind of the young,is probably lower than it has ever been in the United States.③This does not mean that ambition is at an end,that people no longer feel its stirrings and promptings,but onlythat,no longer openly honored,it is less openly professed.④Consequences follow from this,of course,some of which are that ambitions drive underground,or made sly.⑤Such,then,is the way things stand:on the left angry critics,on the right stupid supporters,and in the middle,as usual,the majority of earnest people trying to get on in life.
總共五個句子,①導致②的結果;③解釋②的意思;④是②+③的結果;⑤是一個超級總結句,說出了ambition面臨的局面,有“支持者”,亦有“批判者”。但是就這一段來說,②才是核心的所在,即“支持者”少于“批判者”。正基于此,當最后一個問題考查“應該出現的局面”時,答案就顯然了:“支持者”應當多于“反對者”,即“公開地、熱情地弘揚抱負”。(From the last graph the conclusion can be drawn that ambition should be maintained______[B]openly and enthusiastically)
寫好的句子要求就比較高了,非得經過練習不可。現在考生的作文中充滿各種莫名其妙的句子,特別容易丟分。如:As known to all,leaving the environment,we’ll lose the capability of living.這樣的句子就是因為直接源于漢語,而顯得表面上“無懈可擊”,實則辭不達意。經過訓練,不難寫出It’s well known,that we can’t live without a good environment之類的句子。
此外,注意學習動詞,尤其是動詞詞組的用法。英語句子的構造以動詞為主,寫出地道的英語句子也以動詞或動詞詞組的妙用為本。如有這樣一句經常出現在作文中的話,“許多惱人的問題仍然懸而未決。”很多考生會這樣寫:Many puzzling questions are still suspending.轉換一下動詞,這個句子就是:Many puzzling questions remain unanswered.效果就大不一樣了。