壁畫 mural
國畫 Chinese traditional painting
水墨畫 ink and wash painting
絹畫 silk painting
木刻畫 wood engraving
版畫 engraving
年畫 new year picture
陶器 pettery ware
玉器 jade article
瓷器 china ware
青瓷 celadon
青銅器 bronze ware
漆器 lacquer ware
彩陶 painted pottery
絹扇 silk fan
檀香扇 sandal wood fan
折扇 folding fan
刺繡 embroidery
掛毯 tapestry
蠟染 batik
真絲 pure silk
煙嘴 cigarette holder
鼻煙壺 snuffbottle
屏風 screen
轎子 sedans
風車 pinwheel
雜技 acrobatics
撥浪鼓 shaking drum
皮影 shadow puppet
唐人 sugar-molded
四合院 courtyard homes
踩高蹺 stilted walk
武術 martial arts
人力車 rickshaw
宮燈 palace lantern
猜拳 finger-guessing game
說書 monologue story-telling
老字號 time-honored
相聲 cross talk
拜年 pay a newyear call
爆竹 firecracker
鞭炮 a string of small fire crackers
燈謎 lantern riddles
廟會 temple fair
年夜飯 family reunion dinner on lunar new year
守歲 to stay awake all night
對聯 poetic couplets
貼春聯 to put up antithetical couplets
戲劇臉譜 theatrical mask
火藥 gunpowder
指南針 compass
造紙術 paper-making techniques
印刷術 paper-printing techniques
武術 martial arts
氣功 Qigong
打擂臺 to fight a challenge fight in an arena
聽評書 to listen to historical or traditional stories
下象棋 to play Chinese chess
練習書法 to make special studies of calligraphy
畫國畫 to do traditional Chinese painting
題詩 to inscribe a poem
元宵節 the Lantern Festival
端午節 the Dragon-Boat Festival
中秋節 the Mid-autumn day