Part One
Obamacare, Watergate scandal , Copernicus,Socrates(忘了一個,也是美國的)
the influence ofwestward movement on the American nation...
why the Americansalways believe that the government should pay a litimed role ...
III. 400字
What did the Romanshave in common with the Greeks? and what's the distinct contributions made bythe Romans to European culture?
Part Two
I.名詞解釋 5選3(50字)
OscarWilde, Heartof Darkness; The Last ofthe Mohicans; Black humour.(還有個忘了)
II. 10個選擇
III. 150字
briefly comment Becky Sharp in WilliamMakepeace's Vanity Fair.
John Dos Passos'U.S.A.
Part Three
I. immediate constituents; analytic language
II. 要舉至少兩個例子的inflectionalaffix, superordinate, elevation of meaning
III. 語境對意義有什么作用?
語言學部分,暫時記住這些,最后一道大題考的是Grice的合作原則,a man asks a young girl "how old are you?" she replys " I'm 80!",it violates the cooperative principle, please explain this phenomenon. 要寫500字。
我感覺,今年的題文化部分比較好做。文學做的我簡直要崩潰,最后那兩個作品我都不熟悉,復習也沒當做重點,特別是Passos'U.S.A. 我完全不知該寫什么。選擇我都很多不會,很多是問作品里的一個人物,下面給出選項選作者,我沒準備,基本亂選。語言學有幾個名詞解釋也不會。