第一段是圖畫描述,閱卷時很注重圖畫描述的水平,提前準備的模版要和圖畫融為一體Whoever, I believe, gains a perception of the scenario, will absolutely not refrain from ruminating its deep connotation. Look at this picture figuratively portrayed by .....(我12年寫的模版開頭).
with the quickening pace of modern life and the fierce competition of society, there is an increasing number of people who sink into the state of a flurry distress, losing values under the pressure of work and living, and consequently, sliding into misdoings unwittingly. 這個是我12年消極話題原因句,幾乎任何壞事都能把這句牛牛的甩上。
第三段,開頭要承接第二段,這樣整篇文章渾然一體。對于消極話題,接下是措施。比如圖畫直接措施、根本措施、提高人們意識等等(閱卷時最常見法律、監督措施,所以我寫模版會舍棄這些,如果寫,句子一定要高端)。No wonder in the tug-of-war between -----------(主旨相反的)and -----------(主旨), it is, more often than not, that the former will get .