nourish vt保持, 增長(情緒等)He's been nourishing the hope of a trip abroad.他一直懷著出國旅行的愿望。
numb vt.使失去感覺, 使凍僵He was numbed with grief.他因悲傷而昏迷了。
adj.麻木的, 失去感覺的; 凍僵了的(with); 鈍的numb with cold凍僵a numb hand[俚]蠢物
nurse vi喂, 吃奶The baby is nursing at its mother's breasts.那孩子正在吃媽媽的奶。
養育者;起源[(+of)]Town life is the nurse of civilization. 城市生活是文明的搖籃。
vt懷有,抱著(想法等); 培養;培育;精心料理;悉心照料
He nursed the dream of becoming a great writer. 他抱有成為大作家的夢想。
He nursed the house plants through a long winter. 在漫長的冬季他一直精心照料室內盆栽植物。
nursery n苗圃;養魚場;動物繁殖場We bought a small tree at the nursery. 我們在苗圃買了一棵小樹。
溫床;滋生地Their extensive fishing trade was an excellent nursery for seamanship 他們廣泛的漁業貿易是航海技術的一個良好的養成所。
observation n言論, 評論, 意見He made valuable observations on the prices.他對物價問題提出了寶貴的意見。
observe vt遵守; 遵循They faithfully observed the rules.他們忠實地遵守規則。
評論[述]; 講He observed that the house seemed to be too small.他說那房子似乎小了一點兒。
obtain vi(.指規則、習俗)通行; 流行The custom still obtains in some districts.這種風俗在某些地方仍然流行。
occasion n特殊場合; 慶典I only wear a tie on special occasions.我只有在特殊的場合才系領帶。
原因, 理由There was no occasion to do so.沒有理由這樣做。
vt.惹起, 引起Who occasioned his anger?誰惹他生氣?
occupation n消遣Reading is a useful occupation to us.閱讀對我們是一種有益的消遣。
odd/odds adj.臨時的,不固定的 【近義詞】temporary
【真題例句】 Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of
data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss’s
agenda in businesses of every variety.【2007年閱讀Text4】
adj奇數的,不成對的 【反義詞】even 【例】an odd shoe.一只不成對的鞋
odds. n.可能性,概率
【真題例句】 Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weakelderly parent – and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance – have jumped eightfold in just one generation.