1、高科技產業集群的組織生態研究湖北人民出版社 2012年9月
2、社會轉型期利益分化與執政黨利益整合的路徑選擇 理論月刊 2011(3)
3、包容性發展理念下社會基層治理機制的創新 學校黨建與思想教育2012(7)
4、包容性發展理念下社會基層治理的創新策略 學術論壇 2012(9)
5、高校思想政治理論多維互動教學模式的構建與提升 學校黨建與思想教育2012(9)
6、社會公正視閾下執政黨利益整合機制的優化 學習月刊 2011(3)
7、Effective Construction of Collective Learning Mechanisms in Hi-tech Industrial Clusters The 7th International Conference on Innovation and Management(ISTP檢索) 2010年12月
8、Optimization Strategy of Science and Technology Innovation Environment of Hi-tech Industrial Cluster from the Perspective of Organization Ecology:The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and business Management (ISTP)
9、Ecological Strategy of Enterprise Coevolution in Hi-tech Industrial Clusters:The 6th International Conference on Innovation and Management(EI)
10、Niche Competitive Strategy of Hi-tech Industrial Cluster Enterprises Based on Organization Ecological System:The 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government(EI)
11、Analysis on Collective Learning in Industrial Clusters from the Perspective of Knowledge Recourses:The 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (EI)