近年來,一直從事無線通信領域相關研究,主要研究方向涉及認知無線電技術、中繼協作技術、保密通信技術以及綠色通信技術等。在IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking、 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology、AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications、IET Communications等國內外期刊和會議上發表/錄用論文二十余篇。
[1]J. Zhang, G. Pan, and Y. Xie “Secrecy Analysis of Wireless-Powered Multi-Antenna Relaying System with Nonlinear Energy Harvesters and Imperfect CSI,” IEEE Transaction on Green Communications and Networking, in press.
[2]J. Zhang, H. Zhang, and G. Pan, “Secrecy Outage Analysis for Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks over Correlated Channels,” Science China--Information Sciences, vol. 60, pp.022307:1-9, Feb. 2017.
[3]J. Zhang, G. Pan, and Y. Xie, “Secrecy Outage Performance for Wireless-Powered Relaying Systems with Nonlinear Energy Harvesters,” Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 246-252, Feb. 2017.
[4]J. Zhang and G. Pan, “Secrecy outage analysis with Kth best relay selection in dual-hop inter-vehicle communication systems,” AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 71, pp.139-144, Jan. 2017.
[5]H. Yu, D. Wang, G. Pan, R. Shi, J. Zhang, and Y. Chen, “On Outage of WPC System with Relay Selection over Nakagami-m Fading Channels,” IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, vol.66, no. 9, pp.8590-8594, Sept. 2017.