黃曉玲,女,經濟學博士,對外經濟貿易大學教授、博士生導師,聯合國貿發會議咨詢專家,中國國際貿易學會理論研究會委員, AIB (Academy of International Business) 會員。
·"Location Advantages of the Mid-west China and Types of Foreign Direct Investment Targeted", 8th International Conference Proceedings on Global Business and Economic Conference, 7-10 January 2004, Guadalajara, Mexico.
·"The Evolution of Trade Quantitative Control in China", RITSUMEIKAN Journal of ASIA PACIFIC Studies, March 2005.
·"China's Technology Transfer Policy: A Review of Developments and an Assessment", working paper, IAS, United Nations University, 2006.
·"China's Industrial Policy related to Electronics Manufacturing", UNCTAD Research Project Final Report, Contract Number OBID 14571, 2006.(Principal author)