Feng Liu, Jianxiao Liu*, An Agricultural Sensor Data Recovering Method Based on Matrix Completion Theory, International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Engineering (ICMAE2016), 2016:16-20.
Feng Liu*, Zhong Yang, An Agricultural Sensor Data Sparse Representation and Recovery Method Based on Redundant Dictionary, the 5th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy(ICMEME2016), 2016:209-212.
Feng Liu*, A New Missing Values Estimation Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Convolution. Sensors and Transducers. 2013,20(SPEC.ISS.4):21-26.
Jianxiao Liu, Jian Wang, Keqing He, Xiaoxia Li,Feng Liu*. Using Pi-calculus to Model Web Service Interaction. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2013, 9(5): 1759-1767.
Feng Liu,Junxiang Gao*, Wenjun Yu, Xing Jin. AGIOT: A Model of the Internet of Things Used in Agriculture. INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL. 2012, 15(9): 3787-3792.
Feng Liu, Ziqi You, Wenze Shan, Jianxiao Liu*, A Grey System Based Missing Sensor Data Estimation Algorithm. International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, 2012: 482-486.