<SPAN style="SPAN: left> L’ Opera de Montreal, Vancouver Opera, Connecticut Opera, Orlando Opera, Opera Carolina, Austin Lyric Opera, and San Antonio Symphony; Marguerite: ; Mimi: ; Micaela: ; Liu: ; Maddalena: left> Opera; Violetta: ; Gilda: ; The: left><SPAN style=" SPAN Unicode?;< Sans ?Lucida ?Cambria?,?serif?;>
She sang the role of Zerlina in Mozart’s opera “Don Giuovanni” directed by the world renowned opera movie director Peter Sellars. A recipient of many awards, Ms. Zhu was a finalist in Opera Company of Philadelphia’s Luciano Pavarotti International Vocal Competition, and winner of the S A I Competition in Chautauqua and the Liederkranz Competition in New York. She has been invited to be on the jury for several international singing competitions, including Connecticut International Opera Competition, the 9th Seoul International Music Competition, the 5th China International Singing Competition(Ningbo), the 6th Beijing International Music Competition, etc. She is now a professor at the Voice and Opera Department of the central Conservatory of Music.