2011年“China’s Environmental Regulations and Implementation in Africa: a Case Study of CNPC in Chad”, 法國發展署研究報告 ; 與王凡、梁國皇合著。
2010年“Rural households decisions towards income diversification: Evidence from a township in northern China”, with S. Démuger and M. Fournier, China Economic Review, 21。
2009年“Economic Structural Changes and Rural Income: Evidence from Chinese Provinces during the Reform Period”, China Economic Review, 20.
2009年“Forest management policies and resource balance in China: an assessment
of the current situation”, with S. Démuger and Hou Yuanzhao, Journal of Environment and Development, no.18.
2008年“Implications of Asian Miracle on Africa: A Comparative Analysis of the Textile/Garment Sector in Senegal and China”, 聯合國貿發會研究報告,與Aly Mbaye合著。
2007年“Reforms, Climatic Risks and Agro-industrial Diversification: Evidence from Chinese Provinces”, Journal of the Asia and Pacific Economy, 12,vol.3。
2006年“Economic Reforms and Afforestation Incentives in Rural China”
With S. Démurger,Environment and Development Economics, No. 11。
2006年“Institutional Reforms, Climatic Risks and Agricultural Diversification: Evidence from Chinese Provinces”,收錄于《China's Agricultural Development:Challenges and Prospects》,Ashgate。
2006年“ Réformes, ajustements structurels et revenu rural en Chine”,Perspectives Chinoises,No.92.
2006年“Reforms, structural adjustments and rural income in China” China Perspectives,No.62。