1 論文名稱:GEOSS-Based thermal parameters analysis for earthquake anomaly recognition,刊物名:Proceedings of the IEEE,級別:
2 論文名稱:Surface latent heat flux anomalies before the MS 7.1 New Zealand earthquake 2010,刊物名:Chinese Sci. Bull,級別:
3 論文名稱: Surface latent heat flux anomalies quasi-synchronous with ionospheric disturbances before the 2007 Pu'er earthquake in China,刊物名:Advance In Space Research,級別:
4 論文名稱:A Deviation-Time-Space-Thermal (DTS-T) Method for Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)-Based Earthquake Anomaly Recognition: Criterions and Quantify Indices,刊物名:Remote Sensing,級別:
5 論文名稱:Quasi-synchronous multi-parameter anomalies associated with the 2010–2011 New Zealand earthquake sequence,刊物名:Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci,級別:
6 論文名稱:Preliminary analysis of surface temperature anomalies that preceded the two major Emilia 2012 earthquakes (Italy),刊物名:ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS,級別:
7 論文名稱:Is there an abnormal enhancement of atmospheric aerosol before the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake?,刊物名:Advance In Space Research,級別:
8 論文名稱:SDOG-based Methods for multi-scale three-dimensional modelling and visualization on lithospher,刊物名:Science China Earth Sciences,級別: