“Estimation for the Spatial Autoregressive Threshold Model”, Economics Letters, vol.171 (2018): 172-175, 2018
“Network effects on labor contracts of internal migrants in China: a spatial autoregressive model”(with Badi H. Baltagi and Xiangjun Ma), Empirical Economics, vol.55(1):265-296, 2018
“EC3SLS Estimator for a Simultaneous System of Spatial Autoregressive Equations with Random Effects”(with Badi H. Baltagi),Econometric Reviews, vol.34(6–10):658–693, 2015
“Using Combat Losses of Medical Personnel to Estimate the Value of Trauma Care in Battle: Evidence from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan” (with Christopher A. Rohlfs, Ryan Sullivan and Jeffrey Treistman),Defense and Peace Economics, vol.26(5):465-490, 2015