1. Dan Tang (with Lijun Bo, Yongjin Wang, Xuewei Yang), Levy risk model with two-sided jumps and a barrier dividend strategy, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 50(2) , 2012, 280–291
2. Dan Tang (with Yongjin Wang, Guannan Zhang), Nonparametric Inference for a Class of SPDEs Driven by Fractional Noises, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, 34( 4), 2013, 387-400.
4. Dan Tang (with Yongjin Wang, Yuzhen Zhou) Counterparty risk for Credit Default Swap with states related default intensity processes, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 14(8) , 2011, 1335–1353
5. Dan Tang (with Lijun Bo, Yongjin Wang, Xuewei Yang) On conditional default probability in a regulated market: A structural approach. Quantitative Finance, 11(12), (2011), 1695-1702.
7. Dan Tang (with Yongjin Wang) The stochastic wave equations driven by fractional and colored noises. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 26(6), 2010, 1055-1070.
8. Dan Tang (with Kehua Shi, Yongjin Wang) Large deviation for stochastic Cahn-Hilliard partial differential equations. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 25(7), 2009, 1157-1174.
9. Dan Tang (with Lijun Bo) Lyapunov exponent estimates of a class of higher-order stochastic Anderson models. Proceedings of the AMS., 136(11) , 2008, 4033-4043.
10. Dan Tang (with Lijun Bo, Yongjin Wang) Explosive solutions of stochastic wave equations with damping on R^d. Journal of Differential Equations, 244(1), 2008, 170-187.