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2015年1月至今, 世界衛生組織煙草控制與經濟政策合作中心(世衛組織全球唯一經濟政策合作中心);
2015年至今,世界衛生組織慢性與非傳染性疾病司稅收政策顧問(PND, WHO HQ, Geneva);
2011.12-至今 對外經濟貿易大學國際經濟貿易學院,教授,博導;
2000.7-2011.12 中央財經大學,歷任講師、副教授、教授;
2009.6-2009.8 世界衛生組織無煙運動部稅收政策顧問(TFI, WHO HQ ,Geneva);
1992.8-1994.8 福建泉州華僑大學管理信息科學系,助教。
“Training Workshop on Tobacco Taxation", World Health Organization, Ankara, Turkey. 26-30 September 2011
“5th Annual Global Tobacco Control Leadership Program”, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA.17-31,July, 2010
“Regional Workshop on Sustaining Action on the WHO FCTC and Training on Tobacco Control Policies and Programs”, Tobacco Free Initiative, WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, Manila, Philippines. 25-27, Aug. 2008
“Macroeconomics and Fiscal Policy Training program” sponsored by German Federal Government, Berlin, Germany Sept.2001-Feb.2002
Zheng R, Marquez V. Patricio, Yang W, Xiao H, “Cigarette affordability in China: 2001-2016” World Bank Group publication, April, 2017.
Zheng R, Goodchild M, “Understanding Tobacco Industry Pricing Strategy: Evidence from China’s 2015 Tax Reform”, Tobacco Control (Forthcoming)
煙草稅:理論、制度設計與政策實踐, 《財經智庫》第1 卷第6 期, 2016 年11 月號,5-30 頁
Hu T-wei, Zhang X, Zheng R, “China has raised the tax on cigarettes: what’s next?” Tobacco Control(SSCI)2015, Volume 25, Issue 6
Zheng R, Huang J, “Would raising tobacco tax in China unfairly burden the poor”? The Lancet Global Health, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2015, Pages e181–e182
Huang J, Zheng R, Chaloupka FJ, et al. “ Differential responsiveness to cigarette price by education and income among adult urban Chinese ”, Tobacco Control(SSCI)2015 April 8. 2015;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2014-052091
Huang J, Zheng R, Chaloupka FJ, et al. “Chinese Smokers’ Cigarette Purchase Behaviors, Cigarette Prices and Consumption: Findings from the ITC China Survey, Tobacco Control(SSCI)2014;23:i67–i72.
Huang J, Zheng R, Emery S. Assessing the impact of the national smoking ban in indoor public places in China: evidence from quit smoking related online searches. PLoS One (SCI). 2013 Jun 11;8(6):e65577.
Song Gao, RongZheng (2013), “Tobacco and employment—-The impact of decreasing tobacco use on domestic employment”, China Tax Press, July
Song Gao, RongZheng “Price, Tax and Cigarette Smoking: Simulations of China’s Tobacco Tax Policy”. Frontiers of Economics in China, Issue 4, 2012
Song Gao, Rong Zheng, Teh-wei Hu, “Can Increases in the Cigarette Tax Rate be Linked to Cigarette Retail Prices? —-Solving mysteries related to the cigarette pricing mechanism in China .” Tobacco Control (SSCI),November 2012, Volume 21:6 560-562 , Issue 6.
Rong Zheng, “Tobacco tax system, its administration, challenges and the means to move forward: the case of China”, WHO working paper, 2012.
《煙草稅制度設計的國際比較與政策建議 》 〖涉外稅務〗2011年第9期,鄭榕;
《煙草稅在全球的運用及中國煙草稅的調整》, 〖稅務研究〗2009年第10期,鄭榕;
《政府公共服務提供機制的國際比較與借鑒》, 〖中央財經大學學報〗2007年第5期,鄭榕;
《國際稅收情報交換:最新動態和中國對策》, 〖涉外稅務〗2006年第12期,鄭榕;
《對所得稅中兩種R&D稅收激勵方式的評估》, 〖財貿經濟〗2006年第9期,人大復印報刊資料《財政與稅務》第12期, 鄭榕;
《我國加入“政府采購協議”的基本對策》, 〖中國政府采購〗,2004年第5期,中國人民大學書報資料中心〖財政與稅務〗2004年第8期,鄭榕,馬海濤;
《發展中國家對付外來沖擊的政策選擇》, 〖財經理論與政策選擇〗,中國財經出版社,2003年1月出版,鄭榕;
《經濟全球化背景下的國際稅收政策》, 〖涉外稅務〗2002年第5期,鄭榕;
《我國對外貿易的發展趨勢和政策取向》, 【邁入21世紀的中國經濟】(第三冊)中國財政經濟出版社2001年出版,李玉書、鄭榕;
《論財政政策與匯率政策》, 〖南開經濟研究〗1999年第4期, 蔡一珍,鄭榕;
《涉外稅收優惠理論述評》, 〖稅務與經濟〗1998年第6期。鄭榕;
《公共產品論的發展歷程》, 〖財政研究資料〗1998年第19期,中國人民大學復印報刊資料〖體制改革〗1998年第9期,鄭榕;
《稅制改革與稅制再建》, 〖涉外稅務〗1998年第8期,鄧力平、鄭榕;
《財稅政策與國際金融風險防范》, 〖稅務研究〗1998年第6期,鄧力平、鄭榕;
反對煙葉稅立法,呼吁取消煙葉稅 《第一財經》2016年11月12號,http://www.yicai.com/news/5156668.html
中國2015年上調煙草稅:朝著正確方向邁出的一步, 世界銀行網站博客 http://blogs.worldbank.org/voices/ch/china-s-2015-tobacco-tax-adjustment-step-right-direction
China’s 2015 tobacco tax adjustment: a step in the right direction, Co-author with PATRICIO V. MARQUEZ, http://blogs.worldbank.org/health/china-s-2015-tobacco-tax-adjustment-step-right-direction
煙草行業稅利貢獻的迷局與真相, 財新2016年4月29日, http://opinion.caixin.com/2016-04-29/100938112.html
譯著《煙草稅政策與管理手冊》, 中國財政經濟出版社;2012年3月出版;鄭榕,高松;
Sierra Leone Tobacco Tax Project, Supported be World Bank Group. Apr.2017-Dec.2017, 進行中。
Tonga Sin tax project, Supported be World Bank Group. Feb.2017-Dec.2017, 進行中。
Cigarette affordability in China, Supported be World Bank Group. Dec.2017-Apr.2017, 已完成。
Tobacco Tax and Tobacco Economics in China—Media Training and Capacity Building. Funded by Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, Principal Investigator, Oct.2015-Sep. 2016, Completed;
消費稅改革與中國地方稅體系建設,海南省地稅局課題, 主持人,2015年5月-2015年12月,已完成;
中國煙草稅制與煙草控制的實證分析與政策評估, 國家自然科學基金項目,項目批準號:71373045, 主持人,2014年1月-2016年12月,進行中;
An Analysis of Cigarette Smoking of Low-Income Chinese Households, Funded by World Health Organization, Principal Investigator, Jan. 2013-Dec. 2013, Completed;
The Impact of Cigarette Tax and Price Policy on Tobacco Industry Behavior —-Disclosing the Industry’s Profit Margin in Each Segment”, Funded by Johns Hopkins University, Principal Investigator, Jan. 2013-Dec. 2013, Completed;
Analysis of China’s tobacco tax system and structure, to support increasing tobacco taxation in China—-Using WHO TaXSiM model, Funded by World Health Organization, Principal Investigator, Mar. 2013-Dec. 2013, Completed;
財政轉移支付與地方政府規模, 對外經貿大學校級科研課題一般項目。主持人,2013-2014, 已完成;
Companion Piece to the WHO Technical Manual on Tobacco Tax Administration on Tobacco Taxation Issues in China, Funded by World Health Organization,Principal Investigator, Oct. 2012-Nov.2012, Completed;
The Impact of Tobacco Tax and Price Policies on Tobacco Use in China: Evidence from the ITC China Project, Funded by International Development Research Centre, Canada, Principal Investigator, Jul. 2012-Jan.2015, Completed.
Tobacco tax system, its administration, challenges and the means to move forward: the case of China, Funded by World Health Organization,Principal Investigator, May.2011-Dec..2011, Completed.
Series Research Program on ITC China data, conducted by University of Waterloo, University of Illinois at Chicago, China CDC. May 2010- Dec. 2015.
The Impact of 2009 China Cigarette Tax Adjustment on Cigarette Retail Prices, Principal Investigator, Feb.2010-Dec..2011, Completed;
Cigarette Class/Grade Choice and Cigarette Consumption. Funded by Johns Hopkins University, Principal Investigator, Feb.2010-Dec.2011, Completed;
The Impact of Raising Tobacco Taxes on China’s National and Regional Economies. Funded by Johns Hopkins University, Co-Principal Investigator,Feb.2010-Dec.2011, Completed;
China’s tobacco economics and taxation, funded by World Health Organization and Johns Hopkins University, Principal Investigator, Feb.2008-Dec..2009, Completed;
Data Collection and Analysis of China tobacco Economy and Tobacco Tax, funded by World Health Organization, Principal Investigator, Apr..2008—Aug.2008. Completed;
公共服務提供機制構建研究——-基于公共財政的研究視角, 國家社會科學基金,項目編號:05BZZ025,主持人李燕,負責子課題并完成分報告《政府公共服務提供機制的國際比較》;2005年-2006年,已完成。
政府采購比較研究,商務部課題, 馬海濤主持, 2004年2月至2004年5月,已完成;
稅收制度國際比較子課題, 荷蘭、比利時、盧森堡稅制,財政部課題, 1999至2000年, 已完成.
中國控煙協會專家委員會委員(2015.12- )
中國成本研究會理事(2012.11- )
期刊 World Journal of Tobacco or Health(英文)編委(2012.12- )
Tobacco Control(英文) The Lancet Public Health (英文)China Economic Review (英文) 匿名審稿人
Tel No: +(86)10-6449-3332
電子郵件:zr3377@gmail.com rosezheng@uibe.edu.cn