針對英語(一)科目的考試,閱讀Text 4的題材依舊選取了社會生活中較為熱門的員工權益話題,討論了新西蘭過于嚴苛的保護員工免遭不正當解雇的政策可能會適得其反?忌Y合生活中的外刊閱讀積累,不難從考研英語常選外刊文章經常出現的文章思路入手,例如傾向于表達與普遍想法不同的聲音、為民眾的利益發聲、走民主自由道路、走可持續發展道路,為選擇正確答案得出有利判斷。另外,根據文都教育考研英語各階段教學講義中重點強調的做題技巧,比如根據同義復現、題文同序和文章主旨、段落關鍵詞標志和對于出現專有名詞、百分比、比較級等選項的處理原則,以及依靠題干和選項作為做題的加速攻略的方法,也不難得到令人滿意的結果。閱讀Text 4的真題和答案速查、題型分布如下:
36. The personal grievance provisions of the ERA are intended to ______.
[A] punish dubious corporate practices
[B] improve traditional hiring procedures
[C] exempt employers from certain duties
[D] protect the rights of ordinary workers
37. It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that the provisions may ______.
[A] hinder business development
[B] undermine managers’ authority
[C] affect the public image of the firms
[D] worsen labor-management relations
38. Which of the following measures would be the Productivity Commission support?
[A] Imposing reasonable wage restraints.
[B] Enforcing employment protection laws
[C] Limiting the powers of business owners.
[D] Dismissing poorly performing managers.
39. What might be an effect of ERA’s unjustified dismissal procedures?
[A] Highly paid managers lose their jobs.
[B] Employees suffer from salary cuts.
[C] Society sees a rise in overall well-being.
[D] Employers need to hire new staff.
40. It can be inferred that the “high-income threshold” in Australia ______.
[A] has secured managers’ earnings
[B] has produced undesired results
[C] is beneficial to business owners
[D] is difficult to put into practice
36. [D] protect the rights of ordinary workers
37. [A] hinder business development
38. [D] Dismissing poorly performing managers.
39. [B] Employees suffer from salary cuts.
40. [C] is beneficial to business owners
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