Professor XIANG Shiling,Male,was born in Nanchong, Sichuan of China, on January 31, 1955. PhD and a full professor at the department of Philosophy and a vice-director of the Institute of Confucian studies of Remin university of China. His academic specialties include the history of Chinese philosophy especially the Confucianism and the relationships among Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.
Professor XIANG’s Part-time Jobs: Associate chief editor in the Journal of History of Chinese Philosophy (Quarterly) which is sponsored by the Society of History of Chinese Philosophy; Advisor in the Journal of Chinese Philosophy (Periodical Monthly) in China Renda Social Sciences Information Center (CRSSIC); A member of the executive council of International Confucian Association (ICA); A member of the executive council of the Society of History of Chinese Philosophy; A member of the executive council of the China Confucius Society.
Prof. Xiang has published great many academic books and papers which make great impacts in China.
To win prizes: To be awarded the first grade prize for his Book --- Among the Li, Qi, Xing and Xin ——the Distinction of the Schools and the Four Systems in the Neo-Confucianism, by the government of Beijing city. To be awarded the third grade prize for his Book --- Learning History in the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties of China, by the ministry of education of China.