經典例題: According to scientists,it takes nature500years to create an inch of topsoil. 參考譯文: 根據科學家們的看法,自然界要用500年的時間才能形成一英寸厚的表面土壤。
經典例題: From agreement on this general goal,we have,unfortunately,in the past proceeded to disagreement on specific goals,and from there to total inaction.
經典例題: In the evening,after the banquets,the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions,he would work on the drafting of the final communiqué.
參考譯文: 晚上在參加宴會,出席音樂會,觀看乒乓球表演之后,他還得草擬最后公告。
經典例題: The cities utilize these funds for education,police and fire departments,public works and municipal buildings. 參考譯文: 市政府將這些資金用于興辦教育事業,加強治安消防,投資公共建筑和市政工程。
經典例題: With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism. 參考譯文: 中國人民正在以多么高的熱情建設社會主義啊!
經典例題: The plane twisted under me,trailing flame and smoke. 參考譯文: 飛機在我下面旋轉下降,拖著濃煙烈焰掉了下去。
經典例題: What a sight!參考譯文:多美的景色啊!
經典例題: The crowds melted away. 參考譯文: 人群漸漸散開了。
經典例題: Theory is something,but practice is everything. 參考譯文: 理論固然重要,實踐尤其重要。
經典例題: He was fascinated by the political processes—the wheeling and dealing of presidential politics,the manipulating,releasing and leaking of news,the public and private talks.
經典例題: When the plants died and decayed,they formed layers of organic materials. 參考譯文: 植物腐爛后,形成了一層層有機物。
經典例題: Things in the universe are changing all the time. 參考譯文: 宇宙中萬物總是在不斷變化的。
經典例題: There is enough coal to meet the world’s needs for centuries to come. 參考譯文: 有足夠的煤來滿足全世界未來幾個世紀的需要。
經典例題: Don’t be childish. I’m only joking. 參考譯文: 別孩子氣了嘛,這只不過是開玩笑罷了。
經典例題: As for me,I didn’t agree from the very beginning. 參考譯文: 我呢,從一開始就不贊成。
經典例題: A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea. 參考譯文: 一輪紅日從風平浪靜的海面冉冉升起。
經典例題: It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset; it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans,or with no consideration at all.