1. Yang, Y. (2012): Existence of positive solutions to quasi-linear elliptic equations with exponential growth in the whole Euclidean space, J. Funct. Anal. 262: 1679-1704, Feb, 15.
2. Yang, Y. (2012): Adams type inequalities and related elliptic partial differential equation in dimension four. J. Diff. Equations. 252:2266-2295.
3. Li, J. and Yang, Y. (2012): Nonexistence of quasi-harmonic spheres with large energy. Manuscripta Mathematica 138, 161-169.
4. Yang, Y. (2011): Smoothing metrics on closed Riemannian manifolds through the Ricci flow. Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 40, 411-425.
5. Adimurthi, A. and Yang, Y. (2011): Multibubble analysis on N-Laplace equation in R^N. Cal. Var. 40, 1-14.
6. Do O, J. M. and Yang, Y. (2010): A quasi-linear elliptic equation with critical growth on compact Riemannian manifold without boundary. Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 38, 317-334.
7. Adimurthi, A. and Yang, Y. (2010): An interpolation of Hardy inequality and Trudinger-Moser inequality in R^N and its applications. International Mathematics Research Notices 13, 2394-2426.
8. Yang, Y. (2010): Gradient estimate for an elliptic equation with sigular nonlinearity. Acta Math. Sinica 26, 1177-1182.
9. Yang, Y. and Zhao, L. (2010): A class of Adams-Fontana type inequalities and related functionals on manifolds. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 17, 119-135.
10. Liu, Q. and Yang, Y. (2010): Rigidity of the harmonic map heat flow from sphere to compact Kahler manifolds. Arkiv for Matematik 48, 121-130
11. Lu, G. and Yang, Y. (2009): Adams’ inequalities for bi-Laplacian and extremal functions in dimension four. Advances in Mathematics 220, 1135-1170.
12. Yang, Y. (2008): Gradient estimates for a nonlinear parabolic equation on Riemannian manifolds. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136, 4095-4102.
13. Yang, Y. (2007): A sharp form of the Moser-Trudinger inequality on a compact Riemannian surface. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359, 5761-5776.