【例1】I will support this measure without reservation.我毫無保留地支持這一措施。
【例2】We’d like to make a reservation for this weekend.我們想預訂一個這個周末的房間。
【同義替換】preservation, booking, retention
【派生】preserve v.保護,維持;保持,保存
★ skeptical
【例】As a result, many scientists have been understandably skeptical about embracing this basis for a new approach to forecasting.因此,許多科學家曾對此作為新預測方法的依據表示懷疑是可以理解的。
【同義替換】suspicious, doubtful
【派生】skeptically ad.懷疑地
【真題】But bank’s shares trade below their book value, suggesting that investors are skeptical.但是,銀行的股份交易額低于他們的賬面價值,這表明投資者對其持懷疑態度。
★ activate
【例1】Given the current situation, he absolutely has the power to activate the team in time.就目前的形勢而言,他完全有能力及時激活球隊。
【例2】A little bonus could activate employees to work harder.一點點獎金便可以刺激員工們更加努力地工作。
【同義替換】stimulate, motivate, animate
【真題】Stimulants initially speed up or activate the central nervous system, whereas depressants slow it down.興奮劑最初是加快或刺激中樞神經系統,而鎮靜劑則是讓其慢下來。
★ bureaucracy
【例】The frustration we felt with the bureaucracy was based on solid reasons.我們對官僚機構感到失望是有確鑿原因的。
【真題】Instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs, bureaucracy, procedures and limited bargaining power, all would pool resources, work with Ottawa, and create a national institution.由現在每個省都有自己的藥物清單、獨立的機構、程序和有限的議價權這種情況改為資源共享,與渥太華合作創建一個全國性機構。