如果把整篇文章比作一個人的話,那么篇章結構是人的骨架,句式和詞匯是人的血肉,而內容和邏輯便是人的靈魂。可見文章的關鍵所在就是內容豐富,邏輯清晰。而同學們作文中一個常見問題就是條理性不強,邏輯混亂。下面我們來看一下這段話:There are several opinions about the aging problem. I believe that the aging problem will bring much stress to the young. On one hand, the increasing number of people would force young people to earn much more money so that they can provide the old people with the necessities. On the other hand, we should encourage the old to seek jobs if they are in good health.
讀完后大家有沒有發現這位同學邏輯上的錯誤呢?在這個段落中,開頭提出了作者的觀點the aging problem will bring much stress to the young。后面內容應該是對這個論點的論述,談一下老齡化問題為什么給年青人帶來很大的壓力。On one hand后面的內容說年青人需要掙更多錢來供養老年人,這個論據沒有問題。問題所在就出現在下一句話中,我們應該鼓勵老齡人找工作,這一論據不能夠支撐論點,不過可以放在提建議的段落中。那怎么改寫才能做到條理清晰,符合邏輯呢?我們可以改為另一方面,年青人由于工作繁忙沒有時間陪老人,導致老人心情低落,對年青人頗有微詞,從而給年青人帶來更大的壓力。On the other hand, due to the fact that the busy young cannot spend quality time with their parents, the old mums and dads feel disappointed and complain a lot about their children, which, consequently, drags the young into deeper abyss of pressure and helplessness.這樣一改,邏輯問題就解決了,而且文章內容也更為豐富了。