【真題】Religious associations began, for example, in the desire to secure the favor of overruling powers and to ward off evil influences; family life in the desire to gratify appetites and secure family perpetuity; systematic labor, for the most part, because of enslavement to others, etc.例如,宗教社團始于希望從推翻權勢和規避邪惡勢力中獲得好處;家庭生活始于滿足欲望,獲得家庭穩固;而系統的勞動,在大多數情況下,始于對他人的奴役等。
★ latent
【例1】The manager did not find her latent abilities.經理沒有發現她的潛能。
【例2】He was infected with a latent infection.他被感染了一種潛伏性的傳染病。
【同義替換】hidden, potential, underlying
★ license
【例1】My driving license has been revoked again for speeding.我因為超速駕駛,再次被吊銷了駕照。
【例2】The John’s is the only shop that is licensed to sell tobacco in this town.約翰的商店是這個小鎮上唯一被準許經營煙草的商店。