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許懷哲教授,博導。蘭州大學物理系1984年本科畢業,1990年碩士畢業,1995年凝聚態物理專業博士畢業,獲理學博士學位。1997年6月中國科學技術大學研究生院(北京)博士后出站,1997-2000年任中國科學院半導體研究所,半導體材料科學重點實驗室副研究員和課題組副組長。1999年元月到2003年4月間,先后在英國諾丁漢大學(Nottingham University)物理與天文系(Research Staff,公派),日本筑波大學(Tsukuba University)物理工學系(助手,Assistant Professor),美國俄克拉荷馬大學(Oklahoma University)電機系(Research Associate)等,從事半導體低維材料和紅外激光器的分子束外延生長研究,在國際上最早實現了InGaAs量子點在GaAs(3110)B襯底上的二維有序生長。從2003年5月起到2006年5月間,在日本國東北大學(Tohoku University),電氣通訊研究所(RIEC),“鐵磁半導體之父”---大野英男(Hideo Ohno)教授研究室,任職產學官連攜研究員(Research Fellow),參加了日本文部科學省RR2002 IT Program:“高性能,超低消耗電力存儲器的開發”項目。已經發表論文116篇(第一作者49篇),其中SCI收錄英文論文87篇(第一作者48篇,APL--6篇,Phys.Rev.B--2篇,J.Appl.Phys.--7篇),被引用500余次。2001和2002年分別發表的在美《Appl . Phys . Lett》上有關自旋電子學器件的論文已成為該領域研究必引的論文(已被他引96次和46次)。作為參加者和主要參加者,曾先后獲得國家自然科學二等獎(2001年,排名第11),中國科學院自然科學一等獎(2000年,排名第11)和甘肅省省級科技進步一等獎(1995,排名第5)和二等獎(1996,排名第5)各一項。2006年6月辭職回國,任北京航空航天大學凝聚態物理教授,博士生導師,物理科學與核能工程學院研究生教學副院長。兼職上海交通大學教育部“微納技術”實驗室客座教授;教育部“微納測控與低維物理”實驗室教授。目前主要從事有關稀磁性半導體材料中的自旋相關特性,低維半導體結構中的量子自旋電子輸運,石墨烯能帶調控和載流子相對論輸運特性研究。
96. J. Chen, Huaizhe Xu, Y. P. Zhang, “Anisotropic intervalley plasmon excitations in graphene”, Commn. Thero. Phys. xx,xxxx(2015).
95. S. B. Wang, Y. L. Xing, C. L. Xiao, X. Wei, Huaizhe Xu and S. C. Zhang , “Hollow carbon-shell/carbon-nanorod s for high performance Li-ion batteries and supercapacitors”, RSC Adv., 5,7959-7963(2015)
94. S. B. Wang, C. L. Xiao, Y. L. Xing, Huaizhe Xu and S. C. Zhang, “Carbon nanofibers/nanosheets hybrid derived from cornstalks as a sustainable anode for Li-ion batteries”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/C5TA00050E, Communication
93. Jianxun Xu, Yimin Cui, Huaizhe Xu, “Improvements of dielectric properties of Fe doped TbMnO3”, Ceramics International 40, 12193–12198(2014).
92. Shengbin Wang, Yalan Xing, Huaizhe Xu, and Shichao Zhang, “MnO Nanoparticles Interdispersed in 3D Porous Carbon Framework for High Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries” ACS APPL. MATER. INTERFACES, 6, 12713−12718 (2014).
91. L.Y. Wang, Huaizhe Xu, H. L. Wang and H. Pan, Y. P. Zhang, G. L.Zhang “Conductance spin-polarization filter in monolayer graphene with combined magneto-electric modulation”, Physic E61, 185-190(2014).
90. Huaizhe Xu, L.Y. Wang, Q. Q. Yan, S. C. Zhang, “Spin filtering magnetic modulation and spin-polarization switching in hybrid ferromagnet/semiconductor structures”,Sci China-Phys Mech Astron,57(6): 1057-1062(2014) .
89. Y. Cheng, R. Chen, H. F.Feng, W. C. Hao, Huaizhe Xu, Y. Wang, J. Li, “Variation of coordination environment and its effect on white light emission property in Mn-doped ZnO/ZnS complex structure”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16, 4544 (2014)
88. J. Chen, Huaizhe Xu, “Directional plasmon filtering in a two-dimensional electron gas embedded in high-index crystallographic planes”, Chin. Phys.Lett., 31, 037301(2014).
87. Huaizhe Xu, L.Y.Wang, H.L.Wang, and S.C.Zhang; “Magnetic control spin-polarization reversal in a hybrid ferromagnet/semiconductor spin filter”, J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 351, 87 (2014).
86. Y. Cheng, W. C. Hao, W. X. Li, Huaizhe Xu, R. Chen, and S. X. Dou, “Variation of Mn dopant distribution states and its effect on magnetic coupling mechanism with x in Zn1-xMnxO nanocrystals” Chin. Phys. B22,107501 (2013).
85. X. Lin, H. L. Wang, H. Pan, Huaizhe Xu, “The Unconventional Transport Properties of Dirac Fermions in Graphyne”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 30, 077305 (2013).
84. Y. Cheng, W. C. Hao, Huaizhe Xu, Y. X. Yu, T. M. Wang, R. Chen, L.J. Zhang,Y. Du, X. L. Wang, and S. X. Dou, “Improving the Solubility of Mn and Suppressing the Oxygen Vacancy Density in Zn0.98Mn0.02O Nanocrystals via Octylamine Treatment” ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 4, 4470-4475 (2012).
83. H. Y. Deng, W. C. Hao, Huaizhe Xu, and C. Z Wang, “Effect of Intrinsic Oxygen Vacancy on the Electronic Structure of γ-Bi2O3: First-Principles Calculations”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C116, 1251–1255 (2012).
82. X. Lin, H. L. Wang, H. Pan, Huaizhe Xu, “Gap opening of single-layer graphene with periodical scalar and vector potentials”, Phys. Lett. A376 (2012), pp. 584-589 .
81. C. Fan,J. L.Wang, N. Tang, H. X. Xu, G. K. Wei, Huaizhe Xu, “Fabrication and PL of Er3+-doped Al2O3 thin films with Sol-Gel method” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 11, 11147-11150 (2011).
80. W. C. Hao, M. Sun, Huaizhe Xu, T. M. Wang, “Al Doped ZnO Nanogranular Film Fabricated by LBL Method and Its Application for Gas Sensors”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 11, 10649-10653 (2011). Also INEC: 2010 3RD INTERNATIONAL NANOELECTRONICS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2 頁: 1173-1174 出版年: 2010
79. Q. Q. Yan, J. Chen, H. Pan, Huaizhe Xu, “Resonant tunneling in double-barrier structures under transverse magnetic field”, Physica B 406,4361-43650(2011).
78. J. Shang, W. Zou, W. C. Hao, X. Xin, Huaizhe Xu, T. M. Wang, “Visible-light photocatalytic properties of γ-Bi2O3 composited with Fe2O3”, Rare Metals 30, (Special Issue), 140(2011).
77. H. Y. Deng, W. C. Hao, Huaizhe Xu, “First-principles calculations of novel sillenite compounds Bi24M2O40 (M=Se or Te)”, Rare Metals 30, (Special Issue), 135 (2011).
76. H. Y. Deng, W. C. Hao, Huaizhe Xu, “A Transition Phase in the Transformation from α-, β- and ε- to δ-Bismuth Oxide”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 28, 056101 (2011).
75. W. C. Hao, J. J. Li, Huaizhe Xu, J. O. Wang, T. M. Wang, “Enhancement of magnetism of Zn0.95Co0.05O films by p-type Cu+ doping”, PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL, 21, 31-35 (2011).
74. X. Lin, H. L. Wang, H. Pan, Huaizhe Xu, “Gap opening and tuning in single-layer graphene with combined electric and magnetic fields modulation”, Chinese Phys. B20,047302(2011)
73. H. Pan, Huaizhe Xu, R. Lv, “Quantum pump in an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer with a quantum dot driven by an ac field”. Euro Phys. J. B78, 475-479, (2010).
72. H. Pan, Huaizhe Xu, R. Lv, “Charge and spin pumping effects in a single-dot Aharonov-Bohm ring with ferromagnetic leads”, Physica E43, 85-88 (2010).
71. X. Lin, H. Pan, Huaizhe Xu, “Magnetic manipulation of massless Dirac fermions in graphene quantum dot”, Commn. Thero. Phys. 54(6), 1134(2010).
70. W. C. Hao, J. J. Li, Huaizhe Xu, J. O. Wang, T. M. Wang, "Effects of Annealing Atmospheres on the Ferromagnetic Ordering of Zn0.95Co0.05O Nanocrystals with Surface-Preferential Co Distribution", ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 2(7), 2053-2059 (2010).
69. J.J. Li, W.C. Hao, Huaizhe Xu, T.M. Wang, and J.Shi,“Enhancement of ferromagnetism in Zn0.95Co0.05O films by lithium codoping ”, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 063915(2009).
68. J.J. Li, W.C. Hao, Huaizhe Xu and T.M. Wang,“Variation of Structural and Magnetic Properties with Co Doping in Zn1-xCoxO Nanocrystals”, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 053907(2009).
67. H.F. Qi, W.C. Hao, Huaizhe Xu, J.Y. Zhang, and T.M. Wang,“Synthesis of large-size monodisperse polystyrene microspheres by dispersion polymerization with dropwise monomer feeding procedure”, Colloid Polym Sci. 287, 243(2009).
66. M.Sun, Y.Du, W.C. Hao, Huaizhe Xu, Y.X. Yu, and T.M. Wang,“Fabrication and Wettability of ZnO nanorod ”, J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 25, 53(2009).
65. Huaizhe Xu, Q.Q. Yan,“Electrical tunable of electron spin polarization in hybrid magnetic–electric barrier structures”, Phys. Lett. A, 372,6216(2008).
64.Huaizhe Xu,“Correlations between electronic energy band spin splitting and magnetic profile symmetry of magnetic superlattice”, Physica E40, 2959(2008).
63. S. Ghosh, D.W. Steuerman, B. Maertz, and D.D. Awschalom, K. Ohtani, Huaizhe Xu, and H. Ohno,“Electrical control of spin coherence in ZnO”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 162109 (2008).
62. L. Hao, X.G. Diao, Huaizhe Xu, B. X. Gu, T. M. Wang,“Thickness dependence of structural, electrical and optical properties of indium tin oxide (ITO) films deposited on PET substrates”,,Appl. Surf. Sci, 254, 3504-3508 (2008).
61. J. Ma, W.C. Hao, R.Y. Luo and Huaizhe Xu,“Effect of crystallization quality on ferromagnetism in Zn1 − xCoxO nanopowders”,Materials Letters, 62, 403–406 (2008).
60. Huaizhe Xu, Q.Q. Yan and T.M Wang; “Effect of interaction between periodic -doping in both well and barrier layers on modulation of superlattice band structure”, Phys. Lett. A, 368,324 (2007).
59. Huaizhe Xu, K. Ohtani, M. Yamao, and H. Ohno, “Surface morphologies of homoepitaxial ZnO on Zn- and O-polar substrates by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 071918(2006).
58. Hongmei Wang, Huaizhe Xu, Yafei Zhang, “A theoretical study of resonant tunneling characteristics in triangular double-barrier diodes”, Phys. Lett. A 355, 481-488 (2006).
57. Huaizhe Xu, Keita Ohtani, Miyuki Yamao, Hideo Ohno, “Control of ZnO (000)/Al2O3 (110) surface morphologies using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 243, 773-777(2006).
56. Hongmei Wang, Huaizhe Xu and Yafei Zhang, “Indispensable factors influence the quasi-bound levels of biased multi-barrier quantum well structures” Phys. Lett. A 340, 347-354 (2005).
55. Huaizhe Xu and Z. Shi, “Comment on "Effects of the localized state inside the barrier on resonant tunneling in double-barrier quantum wells"”, Phys. Rev. B 69, 237201 (2004).
54. Huaizhe Xu and Yafei Zhang, “Spin-filter devices based on resonant tunneling antisymmetrical magnetic/semiconductor hybrid structures”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 1955 (2004)
53. A. Majumdar, Huaizhe Xu, F. Zhao, J. C. Keay, L. Jayasinghe, S. Khosravani, X. Lu, V. Kelkar, and Z. Shi, “Bandgap energies and refractive indices of Pb1–xSrxSe”, J. Appl. Phys. 95, 939 (2004).
52. Huaizhe Xu, Pijun Liu and Yafei Zhang, “Spin polarization of phase delay time in a magnetic-electric barrier structure”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 240, 169-175 (2003).
51. Huaizhe Xu, F. Zhao, A. Majumdar, L. Jayasinghe, and Z. Shi, “High power mid-infrared optically pumped PbSe/PbSrSe multiple-quantum-well vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser operation at 325K”, Electron. Lett. 39, 659 (2003).
50. A. Majumdar, Huaizhe Xu, S. Khosravani, F. Zhao, L. Jayasinghe, and Z. Shi, “High power light emission of IV–VI lead salt multiple-quantum-well structure grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on <111> BaF2 substrate”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 493 (2003).
49. Huaizhe Xu and Z. Shi, “Strong wave-vector filtering and nearly 100% spin polarization through resonant tunneling antisymmetrical magnetic structure”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 691 (2002).
48. Huaizhe Xu, Pijun Liu, Jiansheng Wu and Yafei Zhang, “Resonance quasi-levels of coupling between transverse and longitudinal wave through symmetrical double-barrier structures”, Phys. Lett. A 303, 25-29 (2002).
47. Huaizhe Xu, K. Akahane, H. Z. Song, Y. Okada and M. Kawabe, “Effect of buffer composition on lateral alignment of self-assembled In0.4Ga0.6As island s grown on GaAs (3 1 1)B substrates”, J. Crystal Growth, 237-239,1307-1311(2002).
46. Huaizhe Xu, K. Akahane, H. Z. Song, Y. Okada and M. Kawabe, “Distinctly different two-dimensional ordering alignments of InGaAs island s on GaAs(3 1 1)B and AlGaAs(3 1 1)B surfaces”, J.Crystal Growth, 234, 509-515 (2002).
45 .H.Z. Song, Y. Okada, K. Akahane, Huaizhe XU, and M. Kawabe, "Negative differential conductance of In0.4Ga0.6As/GaAs (311)B lateral coupled quantum dot", INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS CONFERENCE SERIES (170): 381-386 2002 .
44. Huaizhe Xu and Y. Okada, “Analytical calculation of the resonant quasi-level lifetime in double-barrier quantum structures”, Physica B 305, 113-120 (2001).
43. Huaizhe Xu and Y. Okada, “Does a magnetic barrier or a magnetic-electric barrier structure possess any spin polarization and spin filtering under zero bias?”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 3119 (2001).
42. Weihong Jiang, Huaizhe Xu, Bo Xu, Wei Zhou, Qian Gong, Ding Ding, Jiben Liang, and Zhanguo Wang, “Substrate dependence of InGaAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 19, 197 (2001)
41. Huaizhe Xu, K. Akahane, H. Z. Song, Y. Okada and M. Kawabe, “Spatial alignment evolution of self-assembled In0.4Ga0.6As island s grown on GaAs (311)B surface by atomic hydrogen-assisted molecular beam epitaxy”, Appl.Surf.Sci., 185, 92-98 (2001).
40. Huaizhe Xu, K. Akahane, H. Z. Song, Y. Okada and M. Kawabe, “Two-dimensional ordering s of InAsxP1−x islands formed by As/P exchange reaction on InP (3 1 1)B surface”, J.Crystal Growth, 233, 639-644 (2001).
39. Huaizhe Xu, K. Akahane, H. Z. Song, Y. Okada and M. Kawabe, “Strikingly well-defined two-dimensional ordered s of In0.4Ga0.6As quantum dots grown on GaAs (3 1 1)B surface”, J. Crystal Growth, 223, 104-110 (2001).
38. Huaizhe Xu, A. Bell, Z. G. Wang, Y. Okada, M. Kawabe, I. Harrison and C. T. Foxon, “Competition between band gap and yellow luminescence in undoped GaN grown by MOVPE on sapphire substrate”, J. Crystal Growth, 222, 96-103 (2001).
37. Huaizhe Xu, K. Takahashi, C. X. Wang, Z. G. Wang, Y. Okada, M. Kawabe, I. Harrison and C. T. Foxon, “Effect of in situ thermal treatment during growth on crystal quality of GaN epilayer grown on sapphire substrate by MOVPE”, J. Crystal Growth, 222, 110-117 (2001).
36. R. Xia, Huaizh Xu, I. Harrison, B. Beaument, A. Andrianov, S. R. A. Dods, J. M. Morgan and E. C. Larkins, “Spectrally resolved electroluminescence microscopy and μ-electroluminescence investigation of GaN-based LEDs”, J. Crystal Growth, 230, 467-472 (2001).
35. K. Akahane, Huaizhe Xu, Y. Okada and M. Kawabe, “Formation of lateral-two-dimensional ordering in self-assembled InGaAs quantum dot on high index substrates”, Physica E11, 94-98 (2001).
34. H. Z. Song, K. Akahane, S. Lan, Huaizhe Xu, Y. Okada, and M. Kawabe, “In-plane photocurrent of self-assembled InxGa1–xAs/GaAs(311)B quantum dot s”, Phys. Rev. B 64, 085303 (2001).
33. H. Z. Song, Y. Okada, K. Akahane, S. Lan, Huaizhe Xu and M. Kawabe, “Metal–insulator transition in an In0.4Ga0.6As/GaAs(311)B quantum dot superlattice”, Phys. Lett. A284, 130-135 (2001).
32. Huaizhe Xu, Z. G. Wang, M. Kawabe, I. Harrison, B. J. Ansell and C. T. Foxon, “Fabrication and characterization of metal–semiconductor–metal (MSM) ultraviolet photodetectors on undoped GaN/sapphire grown by MBE”, J. Crystal Growth, 218,1-6 (2000).
31. Huaizhe Xu, Z. G. Wang, I. Harrison, A. Bell, B. J. Ansell, A. J. Winser, T. S. Cheng, C. T. Foxon and M. Kawabe, “Photoluminescence and optical quenching of photoconductivity studies on undoped GaN grown by molecular beam epitaxy”, J. Crystal Growth, 217,228-232 (2000).
30. W.H. Jiang, X. L. Ye, B. Xu, Huaizhe Xu, D. Ding, J. B. Liang, and Z. G. Wang “Anomalous temperature dependence of photoluminescence from InAs quantum dots”, J. Appl. Phys. 88, 2529 (2000).
29. Weihong Jiang, Huaizhe Xu, Bo Xu, Xiaoling Ye, Wei Zhou, Ding Ding, Jiben Liang and Zhanguo Wang, “Influence of substrate orientation on In0.5Ga0.5As/GaAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy”, Physica E8, 134-140 (2000).
28. W. H. Jiang, Huaizhe Xu, B. Xu, X. L. Ye, J. Wu, D. Ding, J. B. Liang and Z. G. Wang, “Annealing effect on the surface morphology and photoluminescence of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy”, J. Crystal Growth, 212, 365-359 (2000).
27. Wei Zhou, Bo Xu, Huaizhe Xu, Weihong Jiang, Fengqi Liu, Qian Gong, Ding Ding, Jiben Liang, Zhanguo Wang, Zuoming Zhu and Guohua Li, “Photoluminescence study of InAlAs quantum dots grown on differently oriented surfaces” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 18, 21 (2000).
26. Sun Zhong-zhe, Wu Ju, Liu Feng-qi, Xu Huaizhe, Chen Yong-hai, Ye Xiao-ling, Jiang Wei-hong, Xu Bo, and Wang Zhan-guo, “Structural and photoluminescence properties of In0.9(Ga/Al)0.1As self-assembled quantum dots on InP substrate”, J. Appl. Phys. 88, 533 (2000).
25. Huaizhe Xu, Weihong Jiang, Bo Xu, Wei Zhou and Zhanguo Wang, “Two-dimensional ordering of self-assembled InxGa1-xAs quantum dots grown on GaAs(3 1 1)B surfaces”, J. Crystal Growth, 206, 279-286 (1999).
24. Huaizhe Xu, Weihong Jiang, Bo Xu, Wei Zhou and Zhanguo Wang, “Two-dimensional ordering of self-assembled InxGa1-xAs quantum dots grown on GaAs(3 1 1)B surfaces”, J. Crystal Growth, 205, 481-488 (1999).
23. Huaizhe Xu, Qian Gong, Bo Xu, Weihong Jiang, Jizheng Wang, Wei Zhou and Zhanguo Wang, “Structural and optical characteristics of self-organized InAs quantum dots grown on GaAs (3 1 1)A substrates”, J. Crystal Growth, 200, 70-76 (1999).
22. Huaizhe Xu, Wei Zhou, Bo Xu, Weihong Jiang, Qian Gong, Ding Ding and Zhanguo Wang, “In composition dependence of lateral ordering in InGaAs quantum dots grown on (311)B GaAs substrates”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 141, 101-106 (1999).
21. Huaizhe XU, et al. "Lateral ordered InGaAs self-organized quantum dots grown on (311) GaAs by conventional molecular beam epitaxy", Chin. Phys. Lett. 16, 68 (1999).
20. W. H. Jiang, Huaizhe Xu, B. Xu, J. Wu, X. L. Ye, H. Y. Liu, W. Zhou, Z. Z. Sun, Y. F. Li, J. B. Liang and Z. G. Wang, “Fabrication of InGaAs quantum dots with an underlying InGaAlAs layer on GaAs(1 0 0) and high index substrates by molecular beam epitaxy”, J. Crystal Growth, 205, 607-612 (1999).
19. W. Jiang, Huaizhe XU, et al. "Indium composition dependence of the size uniformity of InGaAs quantum dots on (311)B GaAs grown by MBE", J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 15, 523 (1999).
18. W. Zhou, Z. M. Zhu, F. Q. Liu, B. Xu, Huaizhe Xu and Z. G. Wang, “Substrate surface atomic structure influence on the growth of InAlAs quantum dots”, J. Crystal Growth, 200, 608-612 (1999).
17. W. Zhou, B.Xu, Huaizhe XU, et al. "PL study on coarsening of self-assembled InAlAs quantum dots on GaAs(001) ", J. Electronic Materials 28, 528 (1999).
16. W. Zhou, B.Xu, Huaizhe XU, et al. "Red luminescence from self-assembled InAlAs/AlGaAs quantum dots with bimodal size distribution", Chin. Phys. Lett. 16, 298 (1999).
15. Yinyue Wang and Huaizhe Xu, “Interface vibrational spectrum investigation on reactively-sputtered a-Si:H/a-Ge:H multilayer films”, Thin Solid Films, 299, 10-13 (1997).
14. Huaizhe Xu, Meifang Zhu and Boyuan Hou, “Analytical expressions for resonant-tunneling lifetime in symmetrical double-barrier structures”, Phys. Lett. A 223, 227-231 (1996).
13. P. Chen, Huaizhe XU, et al., Green photoluminescence from nc-Ge particles, on “Liquid Crystal and Display”, Proc.SPIE. Vol. 2892, 158 (1996).
12. Huaizhe Xu and Guanghua Chen, “Effects of an impurity sheet in the well on resonant tunneling in double-barrier structures”, J. Appl. Phys. 77, 5478 (1995).
11. Huaizhe Xu, Guanghua Chen, “Effects of the δ-Doping Position in the Well on Resonant Tunneling in Double-Barrier Structures”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b ) 191, K17-K22 (1995).
10. Huaizhe Xu, Guanghua Chen, “Effects of Scattering on Resonant Tunneling in Double-Barrier Structures”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 187, K37-K41 (1995).
9. Huaizhe Xu, Yinyue Wang, Guanghua Chen, “Structural changes of progressively annealed a-Si: H/a-Ge: H multilayers”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 143, K87-K90 (1994).
8. Huaizhe Xu, Guanghua Chen, “Resonant-Tunneling Lifetime in Symmetrical Double-Barrier and δ-Doped Barrier Heterostructures”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 185, K69-K73 (1994).
7. Huaizhe Xu, Fangqing Zhang, Guanghua Chen, “Resonant tunneling in asymmetrical rectangular double-quantum-well/triple-barrier structure”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 183, K37-K42 (1994).
6. Huaizhe Xu, Fangqing Zhang, Guanghua Chen, “General Expressions for Transmission Coefficient and Resonance Condition of a One-Dimensional Symmetrical Triple-Barrier Structure”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 182, K73-K77 (1994).
5. Huaizhe Xu, Gong Yu, Fangqing Zhang, Guanghua Chen, “Transmission Coefficient in Symmetrical Double-Well Potential Structures”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 179, K57-K60 (1993).
4. G. Chen, Huaizhe XU et al., Dependence of structural properties of c-Ge:H on deposition temperature, Int’l PVSEC-7, Japan, 193 (1993).
3. Huaizhe Xu, Yinyue Wang, Guanghua Chen, “Shape of the Transmission Spectrum in Rectang-ular Double-Barrier Structures”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 171, K9-K12 (1992).
2. Huaizhe Xu, “Well Width Determination in a One-Dimensional Symmetrical Rectangular ABCBA-Type Double-Barrier Structure”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 170, K33-K35 (1992).
1. Huaizhe Xu, Yinyue Wang, Fangqing Zhang, Guanghua Chen, “Resonant Tunneling Condition in ABCBA-Type Rectangular Double-Barrier Structures”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 163, K25-K27 (1991).