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Boring can still be bad
Market-rigging in unsexy industries costs consumersa lot. More can be done to detect and deter it.
MENTION price cartels and many people will think of big, overt ones like the one OPEC runs foroil and the now-extinct one for diamonds. But at least as damaging are the many secret cartelsin such unglamorous areas as ball-bearings and cargo rates, which go on unnoticed for years,quietly bumping up the end cost to consumers of all manner of goods and services.
Collusion among producers to rig prices and carve up markets is thriving, with the cartelsgrowing ever more intricate and global in scope. Competition authorities have uncoveredseveral whopping conspiracies in recent years, including one in which more than 20 airlinesworldwide had fixed prices on perhaps 20 billion of freight shipments. They were fined a total of3 billion; and so far the compensation claims from ripped-off customers comfortably exceed 1billion. One academic study found that the typical cartel raised the price of the goods orservices in question by 20%. Another suggested that cartels were robbing poorcountries'consumers of tens of billions of dollars a year: if so, negating all the aid that richcountries'governments send them.
Investigators are still unravelling a huge global network of cartels among suppliers of a widerange of car parts. Makers of seat belts, radiators and foam seat-stuffing have had hefty finesslapped on them. Earlier this month the European Commission fined five makers of automotivebearings a total of 953m (1.32 billion). This week its investigators raided a bunch of makers ofcar exhausts. Also in recent days, Brazilian prosecutors have charged executives from a dozenforeign train-makers accused of rigging bids for rail and subway contracts in the country's maincities. Price-fixing has infected high finance, too. Some of banking's biggest names standaccused of fiddling interest-rate and foreign-exchange benchmarks.
The good news is that enforcement has got tougher, smarter and more co-ordinated. Gone arethe days when price-fixers got a slap on the wrist. Firms can expect swingeing fines, andbosses can go to jail. Since many cartels now operate across borders, so do investigators:American and Japanese trustbusters joined forces to flush out the car-parts cartels. Andincentives for whistleblowers have also increased: around 50 countries now offer immunity orreduced penalties for snitches.
That is all for the better, but the penalties for price-fixing remain too mild. The best study ofthe issue so far concluded that, given the still-low risk of detection, collusion pays. Yetbeyond a certain point—which the fines now imposed by American and European regulatorshave probably reached—fines inflict so much damage on guilty companies that theyundermine competition instead of enhancing it. The answer is stiffer prison sentences,particularly for senior executives. American courts, only too ready to lock up other types ofmiscreants for a long time, have rarely jailed egregious price-fixers for anything like themaximum of ten years that the law allows. Other countries have even more scope to increasesentences.
Buy some geeks
More can be done to aid detection, too. Statistical tests to “screen” markets for unusualpricing patterns helped uncover the interest-rate and foreign-exchange scandals. Potentialconspirators may think twice if they suspect their market is being screened. European and LatinAmerican trustbusters are making good use of the technique; their American counterpartsshould do so, too. Deploying such cutting-edge technology is costly; and increased funding is abig ask at a time of public-sector parsimony. But cartel authorities in Europe and Americagenerally bring in far more than they cost to run, so extra money pushed in their direction islikely to be well spent.
Another way to discourage the formation of cartels is to factor the increased risk ofcollusion into scrutiny of proposed mergers. Price-fixing is likelier, and easier to sustain, withfewer players. This could never be the primary determinant in competition decisions, but itshould be in the mix. Blocking a few more mergers—whose benefits anyway tend to be over-egged—might both save companies from themselves and spare their customers the costs ofcollusion.
1.run for v.競(jìng)選
例句:Look. The train's in. We'll have to run for itnow.
2.carve up 瓜分;分割
例句:He wanted to go into the street and carvesomeone's face up.
3.ready to 樂于;時(shí)刻準(zhǔn)備
例句:Catherine was ready to explode. "I think you're contemptible!"
4.tend to 傾向于;趨向
例句:The wind is tending to the south.
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