在一些語言表達方式上,重復可以增強語言表達沖擊力的。正如,有些作家在大量使用排比的基礎上,可以使語言表達更具影響力,例如丘吉爾的演講《熱血、汗水和眼淚》中的一句話,“Let that be realized. No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.”(我們務必認識到,沒有勝利就不復有大英帝國,沒有勝利就不復有大英帝國所象征的一切,沒有勝利就不復有多少世紀以來的強烈要求和沖動:人類應當向自己的目標邁進。)這句話中“no survival for”的重復使用使得丘吉爾的演講更具渲染力,更具說服力。類似于這樣的“重復”還出現在肯尼迪的就職演講中,“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty”這段話的沖擊力就來自于對“any”的重復。
除詞匯重復外,寫作細節問題也需要得到各位考生的重視,即運用具體詞。例如“Constant viewing of rock videos is harmful to children’s emotional development.”,若是將“be harmful to”換成“stunts and distorts”就會更加具體且更具沖擊力,“Constant viewing of rock videos stunts and distorts children’s emotional development.”。在平時的寫作當中,考生若想表達“限制、約束”時,除了可以使用“limit”之外,“ban,bar,curb,restrict,restrain,constrict和constrain”都可以具體來表達“限制、約束”;在表示“減輕”時,“alleviate,relieve,decrease,reduce,lessen及release”的使用比“ease”更加具體形象。比起概括詞,運用具體的詞匯會產生不同的表達效果,使整篇文章更具吸引力。
同時,具體動詞在表達中往往是文章變得更加有生氣。例如在這樣一段話中,“On one side of town there are many antelopes in the hills and along the roads are yellow wild flowers. On the other side there is the Big Horns and nearly 10,000 feet up, Powder River Pass is through them.”,在使用具體詞匯后,“On one side of town, antelope abounded by fours and fives in the hills, and yellow wild flowers lined the roads. On the other side rose the Big Horns and nearly 10,000 feet up, Powder River Pass cut through them.”,這句話就會顯得更加形象生動。