making people's lives more enjoyable but more complex沒有使人們的生活更加享受,反而更加復雜;
素材二:Mankind may enjoy all the conveniences of life and yet they do not feel any happier or wiser. 人類享受這生活的各種便利,卻并沒有感到更加的快樂和明智。
素材三:The development of modern technology has made people's life increasingly complex and stressful, consequently, people should choose to have a simple and easy life without using technology. 現代科技的發展使人類的生活變得愈來愈復雜和有壓力,人們應該避免處處使用科技,從而使自己的生活更加簡單輕松。
素材四:We should make such new technological machines, as smart phones and the Internet, be our servants forever, rather eventually become our masters.我們應該使這些新技術產物成為我們永遠的仆人,而不是最終成為我們的主人。
素材五:Much of modern technology is not born to meet primary human needs, and many "unnecessary" inventions are producing negative effects on a living style that used to be relatively simple. 許多的現代科技的出現不是為了滿足人類的基本需要,并且一些不必要的發明反而對我們曾今相對簡單的生活方式產生了負面影響。
素材六:The advancement of modern technology, such as smart phone, is making people's life more comfortable and at the same time less security. 智能手機是我們的生活更加便捷,但同時也帶來了不安全因素。
素材七:The world is slowly becoming a high-tech society. New technologies like computers and robots have changed the way most of us live and work. While life turns easier in some way, technology has had terrible consequences for many people.當今世界已經變成了高科技的社會。像電腦和機器人這樣的新技術已經改變了我們工作和生活的方式。科技使生活更加容易的同時,也給很多人帶來了可怕的后果!
素材八:The world is slowly becoming a high-tech society. New technologies like computers, robots have changed the way most of us live & work. While life turns easier in some way, technology has had terrible consequences for many people.當今世界已經變成了高科技的社會。像電腦和機器人這樣的新技術已經改變了我們工作和生活的方式。科技使生活更加容易的同時,也給很多人帶來了可怕的后果!
素材九:Now that "intelligent" machines,such as robots,are widely applied to take the place of human beings because they are capable of doing many useful jobs, although making many people jobless.現在,像機器人這樣的智能機器,可以做很多有用的工作,因此正在廣泛的被用來取代人的工作,從而使很多人失業。