the growth of a kid/child from his childhood to adulthood
positive energy/ concern 關心,關注 care關心,照顧 care about sb 關心
those in need 弱勢群體
the weak and infirm 老弱病殘
the disabled /handicapped /physical challenged person
He is learning at his own pace.
He is an under-achiever(后進生).
hold/start charity(慈善,慈善機構,善心) sales
We are to start charity sales next weekend to assist those kids who live in rural areas and drop out for financial/economic reason in going back to school.
4、環境 (99年保護野生動物;00年保護海洋生物;09年限制白色污染;11年景區環境的污染問題)
environmental organization , environmental conservation(保護,保存),conservation,protection
curbs on the emission of waste gases ,plastic bags/ white pollution, scenery spots, do harm to landscapes(風景)
wild life, wild animals, break the balance of eco-system
The picture, in which the elderly father is kicked as a football by their children here and there while the four siblings tightly hold their gates, conveys us a revelatory implication that some children fail to support their parents as they grow old.
The picture, in which (there is a huge hotpot containing a lot of stuff that represents the western and the eastern culture, such as Taoism, Einstein, Confucius, ballet), has a favorable implication that ( it is desirable to promote culture exchange between the oriental and the occidental world ).