In 2016, China should continue to keep economic growth at a proper range.
While improving domestic demand, the country should raise the quality and efficiency on the supply side. In addition, attention will be given to raise effective investment, cultivate new growth engines and reinforce the competitiveness of traditional sectors.
要深化改革開放(deepened reform and opening up),繼續深化簡政(streamlining of administrative processes)放權(delegation of power)、放管結合、優化服務,加大國企(state-owned firms)、財稅(taxation)、金融、社保(social security)等重要領域和關鍵環節改革力度,推出一批具有重大牽引作用的改革舉措。
China should prevent and resolve financial risks and defend the bottom line to eliminate systemic and regional financial risks
To reduce housing inventories, more migrant rural workers should be issued with urban-residency permits, which will allow them to purchase housing in cities.
China should also increase the urbanization ratio, which is based on the number of registered urban residents.
The ratio of registered urban residents to the total population was 35.9 percent at the end of 2014. An existing plan had set the target of increasing this to 45 percent by 2020.
要積極穩妥推進企業優勝劣汰,通過兼并重組(mergers and reorganization)、破產清算(filing for bankruptcy),實現市場出清。
保民生 促合作
A basic living standard should be ensured for the people, while the protection of intellectual property rights and the interests of foreign companies will help industrial cooperation with other countries and improve the domestic investment environment.
要切實保障人民群眾基本生活(basic living conditions),保護外資企業權益和知識產權,這將有利于與其他國家展開行業合作和改善國內投資環境。