讓世界對(duì)話——趙啟正演講錄 Dialogue Between Nations speecbes by Zbao Qizbe..
- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
趙啟正 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787119059631
- 出版日期:2009-8-1
The Chinese People Embark upon the 21st Century
The World must Observe China More Accurately
Chinese Media Welcomes the Internet Age
America and Americans through Chinese Eyes
Asia and the Chinese Economy Following Chinas WTO Accession
Let History Be Rooted Deeply in Our Hearts
The World's Two Most Ancient Peoples
A Hard-won Victory by Nation and Its People
Founding a Friendly Sino-Russian .Century Using Culture as the Link
Crossing the Cultural Barrier to Better Explain China.to the Rest of the World
Creating Cross-cultural Harmony
The Diversity of Civilizations and a Harmonious World
The Role of Public Diplomacy and People-to-People Diplomacy in Sino-American Relations
Relentless Efforts Lead to Great Success
The Revitalization of lingju Begins by Using the Correct Name
Speech at a Press Conference for the Launch of Riverside Talk in the United States
Enlightenment from the Beijing Olympic Games: The Country's Image Is Based on Its Development
Dialogue, a Way to Promote Harmony
We Are Confident that We can, Little by Little, Realize Our Dreams and Goals
Advice to Friends must Come from the Bottom of the Heart
Far-Sighted Entrepreneurs cannot Afford Not to Pay Attention to China
Imbalance in Understanding between Chinese and Americans
US Media Coverage of China Is often Inaccurate
Never Have the Chinese People Enjoyed such a High Level of Human Rights
The Chinese Have Been Fighting for Democracy for over a Hundred Years
Our Common Suffering Strengthens Our Friendship
Japan and the Japanese through Chinese Eyes
The Germans Admire Philosophy, and so do the Chinese
Striding forth with the World's Media
Opening the Historical Door of"Pudong Logic"
Culture Is Wealth, and so Is Friendship
A Dialogue Between a Theist and an Atheist
Talking with Shimon Peres about Wisdom
I Have Confidence in the Strength of the Japanese People
Culture, History and Patriotism