- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
陳新仁 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787567202849
- 出版日期:2012-10-1
Unit 1 Rudiments of English Research Paper Writing Pre-Class Reading 1.1 Defining research paper writing 1.2 Types of research pape 1.3 Principles of research paper writing 1.4 Styles of research paper writing 1.5 Structure of research pape In-Class Activities Post.Class Tasks Unit 2 Designing Titles Pre-Class Reading 2.1 Criteria for writing titles 2.2 Forms of titles 2.3 Capitalization in titles 2.4 Parallelism in subtitles 2.5 Typical expressio used in titles 2.6 Chinese students’common problems in designing titles In.Class Activities Post.Class Tasks Project Work Unit 3 Writing Abstracts Pre-Class Reading 3.1 Move structure of abstracts 3.2 Grammatical features of abstracts 3.3 Typical expressio used in abstracts 3.4 Chinese students’common problems in writing abstracts In.Class Activities Post.Class Tasks Project Work Unit 4 Introducing the Study Pre-Class Reading 4.1 General functio of Introduction 4.2 Writing effective introductio 4.3 Typical expressio used in Introduction 4.4 Chinese students’common problems in writing Introduction In-Class Activities Post.Class Tasks Project Work Unit 5 Presenting the Significance Pre-Class Reading 5.1 General functio of the Significance section 5.2 Ways of presenting the significance of the study 5.3 Chinese students’common problems in writing the Significance section In-Class Activities Post.Class Tasks Project Work Unit 6 Highlighting the Global Structure Pre-Class Reading 6.1 Defining the global structure 6.2 Highlighting the global structure of a thesis 6.3 Highlighting the global structure of a chapter 6.4 Indicating traitio 6.5 Chinese students’common problems in highlighting the global structure In-Class Activities POst.Class Tasks Prcaect Work Unit 7 Planning the Literature Renew Pre-Class Reading 7.1 Defining Literature Review 7.2 Purposes of Literature Review 7.3 Components of Literature Review 7.4 Organizing Literature Review 7.5 Chinese students’common problems in planning Literature Review In-Class Activities Post-Class Tasks Project Work Unit 8 Developing the Literature Renew Pre-Class Reading 8.1 Features of effective literature reviews 8.2 Steps to develop literature reviews 8.3 Critical respoes to existing studies In-Class Activities Post-Class Tasks Project Work Unit 9 Stating the Methodology Pre-Class Reading 9.1 Selecting the research design 9.2 Describing the research design 9.3 Chinese students’common problems in stating the research design In-Class Activities Post.Class Tasks Prcaect Work Unit 10 Conducting Analyses Pre-Class Reading 10.1 Conducting quantitative analyses 10.2 Conducting qualitative analyses 10.3 Discussing the results 10.4 Chinese students’common problems in conducting analyses In-Class Activities Post.Class Tasks Project Work Unit 11 Making Citatio Pre-Class Reading 11.1 Defining citation 11.2 Principles of citation 11.3 Methods of citation 11.4 Styles of citation In-Class Activities Post—Class Tasks Project Work Unit 12 Drawing SummarIesi Pre-Class Reading 12.1 General functio of summaries 12.2 Writing effective summaries 12.3 Typical expressio used in summaries 12.4 Chinese students’common problems in writing summades In-Class Activities Post-Class Tasks Project Work Unit 13 Discussing Implicatio and Limitatio Pre-Class Reading 13.1 Implicatio:Functio and types 13.2 Limitatio:Purposes and elements 13.3 Typical expressio for writing Implicatio and Limitatio 13.4 Chinese students’common problems in writing Implicatio and Limitatio In-Class Activities Post.Class Tasl‘S Project Work. Unit 14 Com pos ing Acknowledgem ents Pre-Class Reading 14.1 Acknowledgements in a thesis 14.2 Targets of acknowledgement 14.3 Ways of acknowledgmem 14.4 Typical expressio used in Acknowledgements 14.5 Chinese students’common problems in composing Acknowledgments h1.Class Activities Post.Class Tasks Project Work References Appendices 1.Declaration 2.APA and MLA Bibliography 3.Supplementary model sentences
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